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:&528III.Draft of Agreement between the Hunan Gentryand the Yale Mission for Co-operation inMedical School and Hospital WorkTHIS AGREEMENT IS MADE between the Hunan Ku-ChunEducational Association ^ T& W "if.& and the Yale Minion forthe purpose of providing treatment tor diseases, promoting medicaleducation and investigating the cause of disease.Article I. The contracting parties agree to conduct the followingmatters in co-operation1. To maintain at Changsha a hospital for the treatment ofdisease and one or more dispensaries for out- patients.2. To maintain a medical school whose curriculum shall bedetermined after careful study of the regulations of the Board ofEducation; and to request the Board of Education to deputeinspectors to examine the standards adopted.3. To maintain a School of Nursing for instruction in the artof nursing; and in connection therewith, to maintain a departmentof Obstetrics.-1. To maintain a laboratory for the investigation of the causeof disease.The Hunan Ru-Chun Educational Association underArticle II.takes the following responsibilities :1. To erect a Medical School Building and a Nursing SchoolBuilding at a total cost of about $15(1,000 Mexican. Half thisamount is to be expended in the Jirst place, i.e. about $78,000Mexican. $30,000 Mexican is to be paid within the current yearand the balance of $40,000 before the expiration of two years. Theother half of the whole sum is to be paid in full within four years.In case a suitable o/licial building can be. set apart for the use of theschools, the erection of new school buildings may be avoided..2. The annual running expenses for the two schools, up to atotal of two hundred students, will be provided, according to anannual budget, by this educational association; but the total amountshall not exceed $50,000 Mexican a year. Moreover, the salaries ofteachers who are graduates of Western Universities are not includedin this allowance.3. The expenses connected with the opening of the School ofMedicine and the School of Nursing.Article III. The Yale Mission undertakes the followingresponsibilities :1. To erect a hospital at a cost of about $180,000 Mexican.2. To provide the salaries and expenses of teachers, physicians.and nurses who are graduates of Western Universities. But the totalnumber thus provided is not required to exceed fifteen persons.ft. The expenses connected with the opening of the hospital.

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