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"2. To~>.Jfonoran/52(5 APPENDICESII.National Medical Association of ChinaCONSTITUTIONArticle IThis Association shall be called the National Medical Associationof China (*^<^f-).Article II1. To promote goodwill and union among Chinese practitionersof western medicine.maintain the honour and the interests of the medicalprofession.0. To exjK dire the spread of modern medical science in Chinaand to aronse interest in public health and preventive medicineamong the people.4. To co-ordinate and co-operate with the existing medicalforces in China, Chinese and foreign, in the working out of the aboveobjects.Article IIIThere shall be live classes of members:1 .lieytilur Members. These shall consist of graduates in medicineof such Chinese and foreign universities or colleges as shall be recogni/edby the Association. The right of nomination shall be leftin the hands of a membership sub-committee whose decision in regardto membership, etc., shall be placed before the Executive Committeefor approval.Asxociate Members. These shall consist of graduates in medicine of such Chinese and foreign institutions as have not beenrecognised by the Association. Associate members shall enjoy thesame rights and privileges as regular members except that they arenot eligible as officers of the Association.3. Affiliated Members. These shall consist of medical practitioners of other nationalities. They shall enjoy all the rights andprivileges as regular members but may not vote or be eligible asofficers of the Association.4. Life Members. A regular member on payment of fifty dollarsshall be made a life member.Members. Honorary memberships may be conferred upon distinguished individuals and members of the professionof all nationalities who have rendered some signal service to China.These shall be proposed by the Executive Committee and approvedby a voting majority of two-thirds of the members.Article IVAny one desiring to become a member shall make writtenapplication on a form to be supplied by the Secretary, containingname with address, qualification and place of education, This form

OTHER CONSTITUTIONS AND AGREEMENTS 527shall IK signed by at least two memlx rs of the Association and forwardedto the Secretary who shall submit it to tlie Executive Committee. The Executive Committee reserve the power to decide as tothe class of membership granted, and to reject any application foradmission. For admission there shall not be more than two adversevotes.ArticleThe officers of the Association shall be seven in number, namely,a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, a Chinese Secretary,an English Secretary, and a Business Manager, all of whom shall beelected annually, either by a majority of those voting at a generalmeeting, or failing this, by voting papers sent out and returned tothe Secretary. These officers shall constitute the Executive of theAssociation, and shall have the power to elect special committees fromtheir own body or from other members to fillany vacancies in theExecutive, and to take initiative in all matters affecting the welfareof the Association. Old officers are not eligible to the same offices formore than two consecutive terms.VArticle VIThere shall be published regularly a Journal in English andChinese, called Tin Xationa! Metl !<!. Journal of China (iji ^ *% &$t i*Q which shall be the official, organ of the Association. This shallbe issued every three months. Every member of the Association,whose annual dues are not in arrears, shall be entitled to receive acopy of the Journal.The Editor shall be in charge of all the publications of theJourmd, and the Business Manager shall have charge of all businessmanagement. A Publication Committee shall be appointed by theExecutive Committee to solicit articles and to collect informationpertaining to advances made in medical science with a view to applying them for the benefit of China. For this purpose all contributionsrelating to medical science .are welcome, and will as far as possible bepublished, but preference will be given to articles by the members.Article VIIA local brand) of this Association may bo formed by any threemembers, provided that the Constitution of such branch is in fullharmony with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Central Association. Xo member shall be admitted to any branch until he has beentirst admitted to membership of the Central Association*. Additionalfees to meet the current excuses of the branch may be levied at tin;discretion of the branch besides the regular membership fees, whichshall be paid to the Central Association.Article VIIIThis Constitution may be altered by a three-fourths vote at theGenera] Meeting of the Association,

OTHER CONSTITUTIONS AND AGREEMENTS 527shall IK signed by at least two memlx rs of the Association and forwardedto the Secretary who shall submit it to tlie Executive Committee. The Executive Committee reserve the power to decide as tothe class of membership granted, and to reject any application foradmission. For admission there shall not be more than two adversevotes.ArticleThe officers of the Association shall be seven in number, namely,a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, a Chinese Secretary,an English Secretary, and a Business Manager, all of whom shall beelected annually, either by a majority of those voting at a generalmeeting, or failing this, by voting papers sent out and returned tothe Secretary. These officers shall constitute the Executive of theAssociation, and shall have the power to elect special committees fromtheir own body or from other members to fillany vacancies in theExecutive, and to take initiative in all matters affecting the welfareof the Association. Old officers are not eligible to the same offices formore than two consecutive terms.VArticle VIThere shall be published regularly a Journal in English andChinese, called Tin Xationa! Metl !<!. Journal of China (iji ^ *% &$t i*Q which shall be the official, organ of the Association. This shallbe issued every three months. Every member of the Association,whose annual dues are not in arrears, shall be entitled to receive acopy of the Journal.The Editor shall be in charge of all the publications of theJourmd, and the Business Manager shall have charge of all businessmanagement. A Publication Committee shall be appointed by theExecutive Committee to solicit articles and to collect informationpertaining to advances made in medical science with a view to applying them for the benefit of China. For this purpose all contributionsrelating to medical science .are welcome, and will as far as possible bepublished, but preference will be given to articles by the members.Article VIIA local brand) of this Association may bo formed by any threemembers, provided that the Constitution of such branch is in fullharmony with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Central Association. Xo member shall be admitted to any branch until he has beentirst admitted to membership of the Central Association*. Additionalfees to meet the current excuses of the branch may be levied at tin;discretion of the branch besides the regular membership fees, whichshall be paid to the Central Association.Article VIIIThis Constitution may be altered by a three-fourths vote at theGenera] Meeting of the Association,

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