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>\<i.Voting<. Assistant/>. To<. To<f.To/..b22Ai i ENWCKSArticle V.Executive Committeefart. oa ! I. Aii Executive Goinmittee of five members shall beelected annually by the Board of Control.Serf/on . The Powers and Duties of this committee shall be a^follows:H. To act on all questions relating- to immediate needs of thecollege, all actions to be reported at the next meeting of the Boardof Control for ratification or modification.ft. To prepare the Docket of Business to be considered at meetings of the Board of Control, submitting the same in writing at leasttwo weeks before the meeting of the Board, this business to takeprecedence of all other business.To submit to the Board of Control an annual budget to covercurrent expenses, salaries of assistant teachers, and upkeep of buildings and equipment.faction The Executive Committee shall meet at. the call ofthe>President who shall be ex-ofncio chairman of the committee,without vote.Article VI.Facultyfact >o>iAppointments to the Faculty.members of the Faculty shall be all persons regularlyappointed by the Board of Control.b. Short term appointments may be made by the Board ofControl. Such persons shall be associate members of the Facultywith privilege of the floor but without vote.teachers shall be appointed by the President,subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.faction. .. . The Duties of the Faculty shall be as follows:.. To prepare a Course of Study and submit the same forapproval to the Board of Control. Revisions should be submitted inthe same way.fix the school calendar, schedule of daily recitations, andclasses to which each teacher shall give instruction.examine all candidates for entrance or pass uponcertificates; to determine and keep a list of accredited schools fromwhich students shall be admitted on certificate.body.prepare plans in writing for government of the studente. To prepare an annual budget by departments for currentexpenses and equipment, and to submit the same to be incorporatedin the budget of the Executive Committee.Section 3. The Faculty shall meet monthly, the president presiding. A majority vote shall decide all questions. A secretary ofthe Faculty shall record all motions passed. Called meetings todiscuss emergencies may be held at any time.

.../"."CONSTITUTIONS OF UNION INSTITUTIONS52oArticle VII.PresidentSt rtioii. 1. The President shall he elected by the Board ofControl, subject to the approval of the Trustees, and can be dismissedby the Board of Control only with the approval of the Trustees.St cfwn .. . The Duties of the President shall be as follows :n. To- -be. ex-oflicio chairman of the Board of Control withoutvote./. To be ex-oflicio chairman .of the Executive Committee, andof the Faculty.. To superintend and guard the interests of all departments ofthe college and have oversight of all property and business.//. To be the oflicial representative of the college.e." , To appoint all employees not otherwise provided for.To make an annual report to tbe Board of Control.Article VIII.AmendmentsThis constitution may be amended at any annual meeting of theBoard of Control by a two-thirds vote. The proposed amendmentmust be submitted to the Board of Control through the ExecutiveCommittee not less than one month before the meeting at which it isto be voted upon.Boards Co operating in Ginling CollegeBapLM:Woman s American Baptist Foreign Missionary Society.Christian :Christian Woman s Board of Missions.Mi tJiodiist Episcopal :Woman s Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist EpiscopalChurch.Metliodkt Episcopal Soutli :.Woman s Missionary Council Board of Missions, MethodistEpiscopal Church South.Presbyterian :Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, in theUnited States.

.../"."CONSTITUTIONS OF UNION INSTITUTIONS52oArticle VII.PresidentSt rtioii. 1. The President shall he elected by the Board ofControl, subject to the approval of the Trustees, and can be dismissedby the Board of Control only with the approval of the Trustees.St cfwn .. . The Duties of the President shall be as follows :n. To- -be. ex-oflicio chairman of the Board of Control withoutvote./. To be ex-oflicio chairman .of the Executive Committee, andof the Faculty.. To superintend and guard the interests of all departments ofthe college and have oversight of all property and business.//. To be the oflicial representative of the college.e." , To appoint all employees not otherwise provided for.To make an annual report to tbe Board of Control.Article VIII.AmendmentsThis constitution may be amended at any annual meeting of theBoard of Control by a two-thirds vote. The proposed amendmentmust be submitted to the Board of Control through the ExecutiveCommittee not less than one month before the meeting at which it isto be voted upon.Boards Co operating in Ginling CollegeBapLM:Woman s American Baptist Foreign Missionary Society.Christian :Christian Woman s Board of Missions.Mi tJiodiist Episcopal :Woman s Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist EpiscopalChurch.Metliodkt Episcopal Soutli :.Woman s Missionary Council Board of Missions, MethodistEpiscopal Church South.Presbyterian :Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, in theUnited States.

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