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: .SectionS< rHnnTheVote,CONSTITUTIONS OF ItNtON INSTITUTIONS 521/). To take steps for increasing equipment mid eiidowinent asdemanded by the needs of the college.. To confirm appointment of the President elected by theBoard of Control, and to remove the President if removal is requestedby the Board of Control.Article IV.Board of ControlI. Each Mission Board in full co-operation shall berepresented by three members on the Board of Control. Two ofthese must be women experienced in educational work. The termof service shall be three years. Members shall be elected in threeclasses in the first election; the first class for three years, the secondclass for two years, and the third class for one year.fart ktn, ;i. Members of the Board of Control shall be elected byMissions of co-operating Boards.fartkm ,/. Partial representation shall be granted in proportionto conditions fulfilled. (See Article JJ.)faction 4. Officers of the Board of Control shall be the Chairman,a Secretary, and a Treasurer, elected annually by the Board andfulfilling the usual duties of these offices.farliw. :>. Powers and Duties of the Board of Control shallbe as follows:. Administration of funds received from Trustees or Boards.b. Care of property, erection and repair of buildings.r. To fix, collect, and distribute tuition fees through the administration office of the college.t/. To appoint and remove faculty and fix salaries of associatesand assistants.e. To elect a President, subject to the approval of the Trustees,and to define the duties of the President./. To elect annually an Executive Committee to advise and assistthe President.;/.To consider and adopt the Course of Study and to determineentrance requirements.h. To make an annual report to Missions of co-operating Boardsand to prepare an annual budget to submit to the Trustees.- /. To hold at toast one meeting- annually. (Time of this meetingto be set with reference to Mission meetings, college work, ami reportssent to Trustees, including the annual budget.)Section, /. A quorum shall be a majority of the members of theBoard.tertian / .Questions shall by decided by a majority vote of thosepresent.Section S. An absent member may be represented by a regularlyappointed alternate..9, by correspondence may be- taken on urgentmatters arising between- the regular meetings. Such questions will -besubmitted to the Board by the Executive Committee. A majorityvote shall decide any question.A 05

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