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<-. To520 APPENDICESshall become self-supporting, (0 or whenever from any cause theTrustees shall come to the conclusion that the University is notanswering its original design.13. The Trustees shall have authority to employ such agents,and to adopt such other measures, as may be necessary for the execution of their trust.14. These By-l,aws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds ofthe Trustees at an annual meeting, or at a meeting regularly calledfor this purpose, full notice of the pm posed amendment having beengiven at a previous meeting, or the substance or exact wording of theproposed changes having been furnished each member of the Boardat least one month in advance of the meeting at which action thereoniscontemplated.II. Constitution of Giniing CollegePreambleFor the furtherance of the cause of Christ in China: for theadvance in education necessary to provide trained leadership for the:education of Christian women for Christian service: and for thepromotion of higher education of women under Christian influencethis college is founded. Article I. NameThe college shall be called Giniing College.Article II.Basis of Co-operationSection 1. The co-operating Mission Boards shall fulfill thefollowing conditions :a. To provide $10,000 gold toward expense of plant and equipment.b. To provide one member of the Faculty.make an annual appropriation toward current expensesof not less than $600 gold.Section , . Partial representation on the Board of Control maybe granted to any Mission Board meeting any of the three abovenamed conditions ;one member for each condition fulfilled.Article III.TrusteesSection, 7. The Boards in full co-operation shall appoint a bodyto act as Trustees with powers and duties as defined in Article III,Section o.Section. ;?. The powers and duties of the Trustees shall be afollows :a. To hold in trust all property and all endowment funds, andto transmit to the Board o.f Control income of said .funds and othermoneys received for the college,

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