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"LAPPENDIXCONSTITUTIONS OF RECENTLYORGANIZED UNION INSTITUTIONSModification of the Charter Granted by the Board ofRegents of the State of New York to PekingUniversity, Making it a Union UniversityI"Peking liiwrtit if. Voted. That upon the unanimous requestof the Board of Trustees of Peking University, China, the charterof the said University, which was incorporated by a certificateexecuted June2-"),3SS9, and iiled on or about June 25, 1S90, in theoffice of the Secretary of State, of the State of New York, beamended by changing the corporate name of the institution tothat of Poking University, and by changing the second and thirdof the numbered paragraphs of the said certificate of incorporationso as to read as follows :Second. The purpose of the corporation shall be to establishand maintain in Peking, China, a University, founded andconducted on strictly Christian and evangelical, but not sectarianprinciples and to aid the youth of the Chinese Empire, nowChinese Republic, and of other countries, in obtaining in suchUniversity, a literary, scientific, or professional education."The corporation of the University shall, generally, have thepowers and privileges of corporations created under the EducationLaw of the State of New York, the same as iforiginallyincorporated thereunder."Third. The Board of Foreign Missions of the PresbyterianChurch in the United >Statesof America, the American Board ofCommissioners for Foreign Missions, and the Board of ForeignMissions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, shall be theconstituent trustee-electing members of this corporation, and themanaging boards of such Boards of Missions shall each choose, tobe respective representatives of the said bodies, four persons to bemembers of the board of trustees of the corporation, to so hold, inthe lirst instance and in succession, that the term of one memberof each group of such representative trustees shall expire in eachyear."Such representative trustees, acting together, shall, as theterms of the present nine general trustees, and of their successors,in continuing succession, expire, choose such successors, to so holdthat the terms of three ol such general trustees shall expire ineach year.Other incorporated missionary organizations ma} attime }>e affiliated with and made constituent trustee-electinganymembers of the corporation of the University, by the favoringD

electedI).CONSTITUTIONS OF UNION INSTITUTIONS 517vote of the managing boards of all the then existing .suchconstituent bodies; and each such so added constituent body shallbe entitled to choose, as its representative, or representatives, anadditional member, or such group of members as the vote ofaffiliation shall provide, of the board of trustees of the corporation,to so hold that 1he term of such trustee, or of one of such group oftrustees, shall expire each year."The successors, in continuing succession, of the representative trustees, shall lie chosen by their respective trustee-electingbodies; and all members of the board of trustees of the Universityshall continue to hold, after the expiration of their specific termso otlice, until their successors shall be chosen."Amajority of the trustees of the corporation shall becitizens of the United States of America.The membership now stands as follows :1917 Class l)K> ClassRev. James L. Barton, D.D. (Am. Board) Prof. Edward I>C. Moore, (Am. Bd).Rev. Arthur J. Brown D.D. (Pres.) M r. J. Edgar Leaycraft (Methodist)Rev.John F. Voucher, D.D. (Methodist) Rev. Win. P. Merrill. D.D. (Pres.)Mr. Henry A. Ingram. (Methodist) Mrs. William F. McDowell (Meth.)l!>18 Class lo-JO ClassMrs. George M. Clark (American) Rev. Frank Mason North, D.D, (Meth.)Miss Alice M. Duvison (Pres.) Mr. Arthur Perry (American Board).Rev. Wm. v. Kelley, D.D., LL D (Meth.) Mr. John L. Severance (Pres )Mr. Henry W. Hodge (Pres.)Rev. Kd. Lincoln Smith, D.D. (Am.Bd).Bishop Luther B. Wilson (Meth).By-Laws of the Trustees of Peking University(As adopted April J3th, J9J6)1. The Trustees, by the terms of the ( barter, shall be dividedinto four classes, comprising as nearly as possible an equal numberin each class. In addition to the members of the Board of Trusteeschosen by the different Mission Boards and Societies, there may beelected by the Trustees half as many additional members, in fouryear classes, in harmony with the provisions of the Charter, and thesuccessors to the original nine Trustees who have resigned shall bereckoned among these additional or co-opted members.When a vacancy occurs* in the membership of the Board ofTrustees, it shall be filled in the same manner in which the originalmember was elected._. The officers shall consist of President, Vice-President,Treasurer, and Secretary, who shall tx> at the AnnualMeeting, and an Assistant Secretary and an Assistant Treasurerwhenever the Board shall deem them necessary; these need not bemembers of the Board of Trustees. The signatures of both President(or Vice- President) and Treasurer shall be requisite for the executionof all documents. A Finance Committee shall be elected from themembers of the Board.

"LAPPENDIXCONSTITUTIONS OF RECENTLYORGANIZED UNION INSTITUTIONSModification of the Charter Granted by the Board ofRegents of the State of New York to PekingUniversity, Making it a Union UniversityI"Peking liiwrtit if. Voted. That upon the unanimous requestof the Board of Trustees of Peking University, China, the charterof the said University, which was incorporated by a certificateexecuted June2-"),3SS9, and iiled on or about June 25, 1S90, in theoffice of the Secretary of State, of the State of New York, beamended by changing the corporate name of the institution tothat of Poking University, and by changing the second and thirdof the numbered paragraphs of the said certificate of incorporationso as to read as follows :Second. The purpose of the corporation shall be to establishand maintain in Peking, China, a University, founded andconducted on strictly Christian and evangelical, but not sectarianprinciples and to aid the youth of the Chinese Empire, nowChinese Republic, and of other countries, in obtaining in suchUniversity, a literary, scientific, or professional education."The corporation of the University shall, generally, have thepowers and privileges of corporations created under the EducationLaw of the State of New York, the same as iforiginallyincorporated thereunder."Third. The Board of Foreign Missions of the PresbyterianChurch in the United >Statesof America, the American Board ofCommissioners for Foreign Missions, and the Board of ForeignMissions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, shall be theconstituent trustee-electing members of this corporation, and themanaging boards of such Boards of Missions shall each choose, tobe respective representatives of the said bodies, four persons to bemembers of the board of trustees of the corporation, to so hold, inthe lirst instance and in succession, that the term of one memberof each group of such representative trustees shall expire in eachyear."Such representative trustees, acting together, shall, as theterms of the present nine general trustees, and of their successors,in continuing succession, expire, choose such successors, to so holdthat the terms of three ol such general trustees shall expire ineach year.Other incorporated missionary organizations ma} attime }>e affiliated with and made constituent trustee-electinganymembers of the corporation of the University, by the favoringD

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