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:>.(a)"512 APPENDICESThe Chairman of this Committee, the Right Reverend W. Banister,D.I)., at the Second Synod, held in Shanghai in April 19 15, presentedthe final report of the Committee, containing a draft Canon of theBoard of Missions, and suggestions regarding the securing of fundsand the inauguration of the work.The General Synod, in a joint session of both Houses, thenadopted the following:Canon of the Board of Missions1. The Church acknowledges that responsibility for missionarywork rests upon every member of the Church, and upon the wholeChurch in its corporate capacity. In order more effectively to discharge this responsibility there shall be a Board of Missions of theChung Hua Sheng Ivnng Hui.2. (a) At the triennial meeting of the General Synod bothHouses of the Synod shall meet together as the Board of Missions ofthe Chung Hua Sheng Hui, and the third day s session shall be ameeting of the Board of Missions.(b) In the interval between the regular meeting of the GeneralSynod as the Board of Missions, the functions of the Board ofMissions shall pass to a Committee appointed by the General Synod.This Committee shall be called the "Board of Missions (and wherethis term is used hereafter in this Canon, it refers to this Committee).The members of this Board shall be three Bishops, three Presbyters,six laymen, together with the three officers of the Board of theMissions. These fifteen members shall all be elected by the GeneralSynod at its triennial meetings; but shall have power to fill vacanciesin their number between the regular meetings of the General Synod.(c) The officers of the Board of Missions shall be a President,a Treasurer, and a General Secretary.(d) The Treasurer shall give bonds in such amount as theBoard of Missions may deem necessary.(e) The General Secretary shall be a Chinese clergyman orlayman, and shall be the executive officer of the Board. His dutyshall be to disseminate information and create interest in themissionary work by maintaining touch with the several Diocesesthrough correspondence and personal visitation.(f) Meetings of the Board of Missions shall be held at leastonce a year and the Board shall choose an Executive Committee fromits own number to perform its ad interim business.A budget shall be prepared annually by the Board forthe support of the work for the following year, and the assessment foreach Diocese shall be made by the Board after due consideration ofthe financial conditions obtaining in each diocese.(b) Every congregation of the Church shall make at least oneannual offering for the missionary work of the Church, and eachminister of a congregation and the lay officers thereof shall use alldiligence to secure each year the funds required l)y the Board ofMissions for the spread of Christ s Kingdom, at least to the amountof the apportionment for the year,

",>. ThatCONSTITUTION* AND AGREEMENTS 5] 3One oi the suggestions of tlie Committee was that a MissionaryDistrict be at once decided upon, and a Chinese Bishop be appointedto lead the Mission. This question was previously discussed in theHouse of Bishops, and the following resolution, afterwards concurredby the House of Delegates, was passed :Resolved: That in the opinion of this House the time is notdistant when it may be advisable in the highest interests of theChung Hua i^heng Kung Hui that a Chinese Priest be raised to theEpiscopate, whether as assistant Bishop in an existing Diocese or asBishop in charge of a Missionary District and; further, subject tosuch Canons as may be enacted, in the opinion of this House, whensuch Priest has been (Inly elected, the General jSynodof the ChungHua Sheng Kung Hui is the proper body to confirm the election, andthe Bishops of that Church should proceed to the consecration of theBishop-elect."Upon recommendation of the House of Bishops, with theconcurrence of the House of Delegates, it was voted to submit theforegoing Resolution to the consideration of the Mother Churches.The two Houses in joint session further took the followingaction with regard to the proposed Missionary work;Resolved :1. That the General Synod empower the Board of Missions totake steps looking towards the establishment of a MissionaryDiocese of the Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui.2. That Shensi be chosen as the sphere of the new MissionaryDiocese, but, if after further investigation, the Board of Missionsconsiders another District more satisfactory, the Board beempowered to proceed with the work in that district, as soon asthe necessary arrangements can be effected.in order to ensure the harmonious settlement ofquestions regarding episcopal jurisdiction in the New Diocese, theBishop from whose jurisdiction the New Diocese is to be set off,be requested to consult with the Board of Missions as to stepswhich should be taken towards this end.The General Synod at once proceeded to elect the followingOfficers of the Board :President: Et. Rev. F. R. Graves, D.D., Presiding Bishop ofthe General Synod.General Secretary: Rev. S. C. Hwang. (Hankow.)General Treasurer: S. C. Lin, Esq. (North China.)And also three Bishops, three Presbyters and six laymen asmembers of the Board in accordance with the new Canon justadopted.The new Board of Missions met first on April 20th and thenasain on April UJnd. As Shensi was under the jurisdiction ofNorth China, the Bishop in North China was requested to bepresent and state what he thought could be done with regard tothe episcopal oversight of the new Missionary Diocese. Bishop

:>.(a)"512 APPENDICESThe Chairman of this Committee, the Right Reverend W. Banister,D.I)., at the Second Synod, held in Shanghai in April 19 15, presentedthe final report of the Committee, containing a draft Canon of theBoard of Missions, and suggestions regarding the securing of fundsand the inauguration of the work.The General Synod, in a joint session of both Houses, thenadopted the following:Canon of the Board of Missions1. The Church acknowledges that responsibility for missionarywork rests upon every member of the Church, and upon the wholeChurch in its corporate capacity. In order more effectively to discharge this responsibility there shall be a Board of Missions of theChung Hua Sheng Ivnng Hui.2. (a) At the triennial meeting of the General Synod bothHouses of the Synod shall meet together as the Board of Missions ofthe Chung Hua Sheng Hui, and the third day s session shall be ameeting of the Board of Missions.(b) In the interval between the regular meeting of the GeneralSynod as the Board of Missions, the functions of the Board ofMissions shall pass to a Committee appointed by the General Synod.This Committee shall be called the "Board of Missions (and wherethis term is used hereafter in this Canon, it refers to this Committee).The members of this Board shall be three Bishops, three Presbyters,six laymen, together with the three officers of the Board of theMissions. These fifteen members shall all be elected by the GeneralSynod at its triennial meetings; but shall have power to fill vacanciesin their number between the regular meetings of the General Synod.(c) The officers of the Board of Missions shall be a President,a Treasurer, and a General Secretary.(d) The Treasurer shall give bonds in such amount as theBoard of Missions may deem necessary.(e) The General Secretary shall be a Chinese clergyman orlayman, and shall be the executive officer of the Board. His dutyshall be to disseminate information and create interest in themissionary work by maintaining touch with the several Diocesesthrough correspondence and personal visitation.(f) Meetings of the Board of Missions shall be held at leastonce a year and the Board shall choose an Executive Committee fromits own number to perform its ad interim business.A budget shall be prepared annually by the Board forthe support of the work for the following year, and the assessment foreach Diocese shall be made by the Board after due consideration ofthe financial conditions obtaining in each diocese.(b) Every congregation of the Church shall make at least oneannual offering for the missionary work of the Church, and eachminister of a congregation and the lay officers thereof shall use alldiligence to secure each year the funds required l)y the Board ofMissions for the spread of Christ s Kingdom, at least to the amountof the apportionment for the year,

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