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All510 APPENDICESoithor in the same manner in which active members arc elected, orby direct vote at a general meeting of the Association. Honorarymembers are not entitled to vote at general meetings uf theAssociation.Section .. . Eachcandidate for election as an active member,must be proposed and seconded by two active members of theAssociation, who shall vouch for the candidate s professional qualifications, and his name, together with those of his proposer andseconder, must be sent to the Recording Secretary for insertion ineach issue of the CHINA MEDICAL JOCKNAL during the following sixmonths, after which period, should no objection be raised by amember of the Association, it shall be announced in the JOURNALthat the candidate lias been duly elected. Objections to the electionof a member shall be forwarded in writing to the Recording Secretary,and by him laid before the Executive Committee which shall havediscretionary power to act on behalf of the Association.Section !. Active members who cease to be engaged in regularmissionary work, on application to the Executive Committee may betransferred to honorary membership.Article III.OfficersStT/iini /. The officers of the Association shall consist of aPresident, Vice-President, Kxecutive Secretary. Recording Secretary,Treasurer, and an Editor of the CHINA MKDICAI. ,loi I;\AI..*rct!on :. The President shall be elected at a general meeting ofthe Association for the term of two years. On. retiring he Incomes anhonorary Vice-president.Section. .;. The Vice- President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected at the same time and in the same manner as thePresident, and for the same period of two years.Mellon / f . The Executive Secretary and the Editor of theJOURNAL shall be elected at a general meeting of the Association, andshall hold office until the appointee s resignation is accepted, or untilremoval for caus ^ by a three-fourths majority vote at a generalmeeting of the Association.Sfctio// >.active members are eligible to hold office in theAssociation, and any one officer may perform the duties attached totwo offices.Article IV. The Executive CommitteeThe Executive Committee of the Association shall consist of thePresident, Executive Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, andthe editor of the CHINA MEDICAL JOIUJXAI., together with five othersappointed as follows: three shall be elected from the general bodyof members at the same time and in the same manner as the officersof the Association; one shall be elected by the Council on MedicalEducation from its own number at the same time; and in like mannerone shall be elected by the Council on Public Health. The ExecutiveCommittee so constituted shall have power to elect special committees

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