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<>.50$ APPENDICESArticle VIII. Amendments.Amendments to tin s Constitution shall require or their adoptionIn two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular meeting of theChina Continuation Committee. Notice of proposed amendmentsshall be sent to each member of the Committee not less than fourmonths preceding the meeting at which action iscontemplated.Kducati<China ChristianIL Constitution of theEducational AssociationArticle I. This organization shall be called the China Christian>nal A ss<>ciati< >n .Article II. The object of this Association shall be the promotionof educational interests in China and the fraternal co-operation of allthose engaged in teaching, keeping in mind always that, the object ofChristian education is the development of Christian character in allthose who come within its reach.Article III.There shall be an Advisory Council representing thefollowing districts :1. Chihli, Shansi, Shensi and Kansti.-.Shantung and Honan.3. Chekiang, Kiangsu and Anhvvei.4. Huj)eh, Hunan and Kiangsi.o. S/echwan, Yunnan and Kweichow.Fukien.7.Kwangtung and Kwangsi.X. Manchuria.This Council shall be composed of three memlxTs from eachdistrict, at least one of whom, wherever possible, shall be a Chinese.The members of the Executive Committee shall be ex othciomembers of the Advisory Council.Xote: Where local associations are in existence, they are tochoose representatives on this Advisory Council. In the absence oflocal associations representatives are to be chosen by ballot of members of the China Christian Educational Association residing in theterritory represented.Article IV. The officers of the Association shall be a President,a General Secretary and a Treasurer, who shall be elected every threeyears. The future election of these officers shall rest with theAdvisory Council, which shall meet at least once each year. TheAdvisory Council together with the President, General Secretary andTreasurer shall represent Christian educational work in China.Article V. There shall be an Executive Committee, composed ofthe President, General Secretary and Treasurer, ex-officio, and sixadditional members who shall be elected triennially by the AdvisoryCouncil. This Committee shall have power to fill vacancies occurringbetween the regular meetings of the Advisory Council.

(<)(7>)HowThethreeservice"CONSTITUTIONS AND AGREEMENTS 500Article VI. The term for<>t each member of the AdvisoryCouncil shall tx>years, hi order to secure rotation, at the firstelection one member shall be elected for three years, one for twoyears and one for one year.Article VII. All members of Christian churches who are or havebeen engaged in educational work in China, or in other countries, orwho are or have Ixvn connected with educational movements, or whoare or have been engaged in making and editing school and textbooks, shall be eligible to membershipin the Association as ActiveMembers; other persons engaged in such work shall be eligible asAssociate Members.Article VIII. The Association will gladly receive as a branchassociation any local association whose constitution is approved bythe Executive Committee; the details of co-operation to be worked outby the Executive Committee.Article IX. Amendments must be proposed by a vote of theExecutive Committee and carried by a two-thirds majority of thoseparticipating in the vote.III. Constitution of theChina Medical Missionary Association*Article I.Name and Objects of AssociationSection /. The name of the Association shall be "The ChinaMedical MissionaryM Association."Hlon ;>.object of the Association shall be:() To federate and strengthen the whole work of Christianmedical missions in the Far East.(h) To advance medical science, and a knowledge of hygieneand preventive medicine am^ng the Chinese.To issue a journal known as the CuiXA MKDK AI, JOCRNAL,"for the promotion of the aims and interests of the Association.Article II.Membershipfaction 1. The members of this Association are divided into twoclasses as under:(a) Art ire member*. Medical missionaries, of any nationality,in connection with Christian missionary societies, or working insympathy with them, who are graduates of foreign medical collegeslegally recognized in their respective countries, or of such colleges inChina and other parts of the East as are approved by the Association,are eligible for active membership.wary member*. Physicians and others who are notmedical missionaries are eligible for election as honorary members,* Adopted by the Executive Committee of the China Medical MissionaryAssociation subject to the approval of the Association at its next bjennifi"]meeting,

(<)(7>)HowThethreeservice"CONSTITUTIONS AND AGREEMENTS 500Article VI. The term for<>t each member of the AdvisoryCouncil shall tx>years, hi order to secure rotation, at the firstelection one member shall be elected for three years, one for twoyears and one for one year.Article VII. All members of Christian churches who are or havebeen engaged in educational work in China, or in other countries, orwho are or have Ixvn connected with educational movements, or whoare or have been engaged in making and editing school and textbooks, shall be eligible to membershipin the Association as ActiveMembers; other persons engaged in such work shall be eligible asAssociate Members.Article VIII. The Association will gladly receive as a branchassociation any local association whose constitution is approved bythe Executive Committee; the details of co-operation to be worked outby the Executive Committee.Article IX. Amendments must be proposed by a vote of theExecutive Committee and carried by a two-thirds majority of thoseparticipating in the vote.III. Constitution of theChina Medical Missionary Association*Article I.Name and Objects of AssociationSection /. The name of the Association shall be "The ChinaMedical MissionaryM Association."Hlon ;>.object of the Association shall be:() To federate and strengthen the whole work of Christianmedical missions in the Far East.(h) To advance medical science, and a knowledge of hygieneand preventive medicine am^ng the Chinese.To issue a journal known as the CuiXA MKDK AI, JOCRNAL,"for the promotion of the aims and interests of the Association.Article II.Membershipfaction 1. The members of this Association are divided into twoclasses as under:(a) Art ire member*. Medical missionaries, of any nationality,in connection with Christian missionary societies, or working insympathy with them, who are graduates of foreign medical collegeslegally recognized in their respective countries, or of such colleges inChina and other parts of the East as are approved by the Association,are eligible for active membership.wary member*. Physicians and others who are notmedical missionaries are eligible for election as honorary members,* Adopted by the Executive Committee of the China Medical MissionaryAssociation subject to the approval of the Association at its next bjennifi"]meeting,

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