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;>.ToAPPENDIXCONSTITUTIONS AND AGREEMENTSOF INTERDENOMINATIONAL BODIESCLConstitution of the China Continuation Committee(Adopted by the National Conference, J9J3, and Amended at SecondAnnual Meeting, J9H.)Name and functions.Article I.The name shall be the China (Ymtimiation Committee. Thefunctions of the committee shall be solely consultative and advisory,not legislative or mandatory.Article II. Objects.1. To help carry out the recommendations of the National andsectional Conferences held in China in February and March, 1913, onbehalf of the Continuation Committee of the World MissionaryConference, Edinburgh, 1910.2. To serve as a means of communication between the Christianforces of China and the Edinburgh Continuation Committee, itsSpecial Committees and the Mission Boards of the West.serve as a means by which the Christian forces of Chinamay express themselves unitedly when they so desire.4. To promote co-operation and co-ordination aiJiong theChristian forces of China.5. To act as a Board of Reference when invited to do so by theparties immediately concerned.Article III. Composition of the Committee.This Committee shall be composed of not less than forty and notmore than sixty-five members. In selecting members due regardshall be paid, (a) to representing the different nationalities, ecclesiastical families and departments of mission work; (b) to including menwho for other reasons are particularly desired on the Committee.1. Not less than one-third of th membership of the Committeeshall be Chinese.-. The Committee shall have power to co-opt members in orderto maintain its membership or increase it to the number of sixty-five.o. Members shall be elected for a period of three years but shallbe eligible for re-election.4. If a member leaves the country expecting to be absent for aperiod of at least a year, his place shall be regarded as vacant.5, Should it be necessary or advisable to fill any vacanciesoccurring in the China Continuation Committee between the Annual

</vvr/Vr.Uifinterimnnm>theCONSTITUTIONS AND AGREEMENTS 50?Meeting the Executive Committee shall fill the vacancies andthereby make those selected full members until the close of the nextAnnual Meeting.Article IV. Officers.The officers shall consist ot a Chairman, t\vo Vice-chairmen, aTreasurer, and a Secretary.Article V.Executive Committee.<1. oin/Hix/tiuii. There shall be an Executive Committee offifteen members including the rive honorary officers.L*. Term"/The members and officers shall serve fromthe close of the meeting of the Continuation Committee at which theywere appointed until the close of the following regular meeting.. ). Duties K.u t ul iw Committee. The Executive Committee<>Jshall have power,<t<l * to act fr the (Miina ContinuationCommittee and under such instructions as the China ContinuationCommittee may give, as follows:a. To till vacancies in its own membership.b. To take such action as may seem to itnecessary for carryingout the purposes of the China Continuation Committee.c. To send to the members of the China Continuation Committeeminutes of all the meetings of the Executive and such further information as may help to keep them in touch with the work.Article VI*Meetings and Quorum.<<.rc< itlc< .I.Oj tin; ( liina Continuation Committee. Regular meetings of theChina Continuation Committee shall be held at such times and placesas the Committee may determine, the ordinary expectation being thatsuch meetings will be held at least as often as once a year. Specialmeet! jigs may be called by the Executive Committee. At all meetingsa majorily of the total members of the Committee shall constitute aquorum.I .\fi.ln- Meetings o I"Executive Com[: >itirrmittee ; ; hall be held at least three times a year at such times andplaces as it may determine. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. A vote of the Executive Committee may be takenby correspondence, in which case a two-thirds vote of all the membersof the Executive Committee shall be necessary to a decision.Article VII*Sub-Committees and Special Committees.The China Continuation Committee and the Executive Committeemay appoint sub-committees of their own members, and specialcommittees composed partially or wholly of members outside theChina Continuation Committee to secure information and to carry outthe other purposes of the Committee.Due regard shall be paid to making committees representative incharacter.

</vvr/Vr.Uifinterimnnm>theCONSTITUTIONS AND AGREEMENTS 50?Meeting the Executive Committee shall fill the vacancies andthereby make those selected full members until the close of the nextAnnual Meeting.Article IV. Officers.The officers shall consist ot a Chairman, t\vo Vice-chairmen, aTreasurer, and a Secretary.Article V.Executive Committee.<1. oin/Hix/tiuii. There shall be an Executive Committee offifteen members including the rive honorary officers.L*. Term"/The members and officers shall serve fromthe close of the meeting of the Continuation Committee at which theywere appointed until the close of the following regular meeting.. ). Duties K.u t ul iw Committee. The Executive Committee<>Jshall have power,<t<l * to act fr the (Miina ContinuationCommittee and under such instructions as the China ContinuationCommittee may give, as follows:a. To till vacancies in its own membership.b. To take such action as may seem to itnecessary for carryingout the purposes of the China Continuation Committee.c. To send to the members of the China Continuation Committeeminutes of all the meetings of the Executive and such further information as may help to keep them in touch with the work.Article VI*Meetings and Quorum.<<.rc< itlc< .I.Oj tin; ( liina Continuation Committee. Regular meetings of theChina Continuation Committee shall be held at such times and placesas the Committee may determine, the ordinary expectation being thatsuch meetings will be held at least as often as once a year. Specialmeet! jigs may be called by the Executive Committee. At all meetingsa majorily of the total members of the Committee shall constitute aquorum.I .\fi.ln- Meetings o I"Executive Com[: >itirrmittee ; ; hall be held at least three times a year at such times andplaces as it may determine. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. A vote of the Executive Committee may be takenby correspondence, in which case a two-thirds vote of all the membersof the Executive Committee shall be necessary to a decision.Article VII*Sub-Committees and Special Committees.The China Continuation Committee and the Executive Committeemay appoint sub-committees of their own members, and specialcommittees composed partially or wholly of members outside theChina Continuation Committee to secure information and to carry outthe other purposes of the Committee.Due regard shall be paid to making committees representative incharacter.

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