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TREATIES BETWEEN CHINA AND JAPAN 503Article 9. The present Treaty shall come into force on the dateof its signature. The present Treaty shall be ratified by Mis Excellency the President of the Republic of China and His Majesty theEmperor of Japan, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchangedat Tokio as soon as possible.In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries of the twoHigh Contracting Parties have signed and sealed the present. Treaty,two copies in the Chinese language and two in Japanese.Done at Peking this twenty-fifth day of the fifth month of thefourth year of the Republic of China, corresponding to the same dayof the same month of the fourth year of Taisho.IV*Exchange of Notes Respecting Manchuriaand Eastern Inner Mongolia(Signed in Peking, May 25, J9J6)The preceding treaty w T as also accompanied by a series of notes,all signed on the same day. In these it was agreed:1. That the term of lease of Port Arthur and Dalny shall expirein the 86th year of the Republic or 3997. The date for restoring theSouth Manchuria Railway to China shall fall due in the 01 st year ofthe Republic or 2002. Article 12 in the original South ManchurianRailway Agreement providing that it may be redeemed by Chinaafter 36 years from the day on which the traffic is opened is herebycancelled. The term of the Antung-Mukden Railway shall expire inthe 96th year of the Republic or 2007.2. That the places which ought to be opened as CommercialPorts by China herself, as provided in Article 6 of the Treaty respecting South Manchuria ami Eastern Tuner Mongolia signed this day,will be selected, and the regulations therefor, will be drawn up, bythe Chinese (iovernment itself, a decision concerning which will bemade after consulting the, Minister of Japan.3. That Japanese ^ubjeebj fjhall, as :-oon a^ possible, mvestigat?and select mines in the mining areas in ooiith Manchuria specifiedhereimmder,..,except those being prospected for or worked, and theChinese Government will then permit them to prospect or work thesame.4. That China will hereafter provide funds for building necessary railways in South Manchuria and Eastern Inner it"Mongolia;foreign capital is required China may negotiate for a loan withJapanese capitalists first; and further, the Chinese Government,when making a loan in future on the security of taxes in the abovementioned places (excluding the salt and customs revenue whichhave already been pledged by the Chinese Central Government) maynegotiate for it with Japanese capitalists first.5. That hereafter, if foreign advisers or instructors on political,financial, military or police matters are to be employed in SouthManchuria, Japanese may be employed first.

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