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502 APPENDICESMinister of Foreign Ali airs; and His Majesty the Kmperor of Japan,Hioki Kki, Second ,/"*//// Class* of the,Imperial Order of the SacredTreasure, Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary;Who, after having communicated to each other their full powers,and found them to be in good and due form, have agreed upon andconcluded the following Articles.:Article I. The two High Contracting Parties agree that the termof lease of Port Arthur and Dalny and the terms of the SouthManchuria Railway and the Antung-Mukden Railway, shall he extended to ninety-nine years.Article 2. Japanese subjects in South .Manchuria may, bynegotiation, lease, land necessary for erecting suitable buildings fortrade and manufacture or for prosecuting agricultural enterprises.Article 3, Japanese subjects shall be free to reside and travel inSouth Manchuria and to engage in business and manufacture of amkind whatsoever.Article 4. In the event of Japanese and Chinese desiring jointlyto undertake agricultural enterprises and industries incidental thereto,the Chinese Government may give its permission.1Article 5. The Japanese subjects referred to in the precedingthree articles, besides being required to register with the localAuthorities passports which they must procure under the existingregulations, shall also submit to the police laws and ordinances andtaxation of China.Civil and criminal cases in which the defendants are Japaneseshall be tried and adjudicated by the Japanese Consul; those in whichthe defendants are Chinese shall be tried and adjudicated by ChineseAuthorities. In either case an oHicer may be deputed to the courtto attend the P>utproceedings. mixed civil cases between Chineseand Japanese relating, to land shall be tried and adjudicated bydelegates of both nations conjointly in accordance with Chinese lawand local usage.When, in future, the judicial system in Ihe said region is completely reformed, all civil and criminal cases concerning Japanesesubjects shall be tried and adjudicated entirely by Chinese law courts.Article 6. The Chinese Government agrees, in the interest oftrade and for the residence of foreigners, to open by China herself,as soon as possible, certain suitable places in Kastern Inner Mongoliaas Commercial Ports.Article 7. The Chinese Government agrees speedily to makea fundamental revision of the Kirin-Changchun Railway Loan Agreement, taking as a standard the provisions in railway loan agreementsmade heretofore between China and foreign financiers.When in future, more advantageous terms than those in existingrailway loan agreements are granted to foreign financiers in connection with railway loans, the above agreement shall again be revisedin accordance with Japan s wishes.Article 8. All r-xistinar treaties between China and Japan relatingto Manchurin ?hall, except where otherwise provided for by thibTreatv. remain in force.

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