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494 MISCELLANEOUSlists for a year. Any oue who wishes these lists of filmspassed should write to the Committee on Film Censoring,4 Quinsan Gardens, Shanghai.III.THE BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION OF CHINAG. S. F. KempThe Boy Scouts Association of China received itspresent name during the holding of the Olympic games inShanghai last May. At this time an enthusiastic meetingof people interested in the movement was held under theChairmanship of Mr. Chung Mun-yew, then President ofthe Chinese Boy Scouts Association in Shanghai, which wasorganized in the spring of 1913. It was decided at thismeeting to recognize the gathering as the first meeting of theNational Boy Scouts Association of China, after at leastsix representatives of the great cities of China, where localorganizations already existed, have been added to the alreadyexisting National Council.The First Shanghai Troop of Chinese Boy Scouts fullyjustified its existence in the first year of its history. Thiswas the memorable year 1913, when rebel and governmenttroops were lighting in and around Shanghai. The woundedwere succoured, the dead were buried, and refugees were fedand led to places of safety. At the conclusion of therebellion seven members of the Troop received the medal ofthe Red Cross Society.A number of Troops were formed between the end of1913 and the Scout Rally held in Shanghai, May 19, 1915.Some are in connection with the Young Men s ChristianAssociation, the officials of which have taken an interest inthe movement from the start, some in connection withschools and colleges, such as St. John s University, Shanghai,the Griffith John College, Hankow, and KwangtungAcademy, Canton. The movement is rapidly becoming anational one.The Scout Rally held in Shanghai in May of this yeardid much to bring the Scout movement into favour andprominence. In fact such a great impetus has been givento the work, that the executive officers of the Boy Scouts,

OTHER MOVEMENTS FOR SOCIAL BETTERMENT 405Association of China have difficulty in coping with the taskof organizing new troops, and supplying information tothose whose interest has been aroused. At present inShanghai alone there are under control of the localAssociation some six hundred Chinese Boy Scouts, whilelocal Scout Associations have been formed in Canton,Hankow, Peking, Tientsin, Soochow, and Nanking.The headquarters of the National Association are inShanghai. Here the control is in the hands of a NationalCouncil, elected by members of the Boy Scouts Associationof China, which in turn elects an Executive Committee tocarry on the various forms of detailed work. Althoughsimilar in most respects to the Boy Scouts Association ofEngland, the parent body, under the immediate control ofGeneral Sir R. S. S. Baden-Powell, the Association of Chinahas not refrained from making changes where these seemcalled for. The Executive Committee has recently issued ahandbook (revised edition) in which the general principles,organization, ranks, rules and lists of badges are mentioned.At a recent meeting of the Executive Committee of theBoy Scouts Association of China, it was resolved afterweighing carefully the opinions of supporters of the movement throughout the country, that the name in Chinese ofthe Association should henceforth be q* -^ jg ^ !p. This isthe name adopted by the Boone Boy Scouts, the first troopof Boy Scouts formed in China. Application for theregistration of the name at Peking has already been made.

OTHER MOVEMENTS FOR SOCIAL BETTERMENT 405Association of China have difficulty in coping with the taskof organizing new troops, and supplying information tothose whose interest has been aroused. At present inShanghai alone there are under control of the localAssociation some six hundred Chinese Boy Scouts, whilelocal Scout Associations have been formed in Canton,Hankow, Peking, Tientsin, Soochow, and Nanking.The headquarters of the National Association are inShanghai. Here the control is in the hands of a NationalCouncil, elected by members of the Boy Scouts Associationof China, which in turn elects an Executive Committee tocarry on the various forms of detailed work. Althoughsimilar in most respects to the Boy Scouts Association ofEngland, the parent body, under the immediate control ofGeneral Sir R. S. S. Baden-Powell, the Association of Chinahas not refrained from making changes where these seemcalled for. The Executive Committee has recently issued ahandbook (revised edition) in which the general principles,organization, ranks, rules and lists of badges are mentioned.At a recent meeting of the Executive Committee of theBoy Scouts Association of China, it was resolved afterweighing carefully the opinions of supporters of the movement throughout the country, that the name in Chinese ofthe Association should henceforth be q* -^ jg ^ !p. This isthe name adopted by the Boone Boy Scouts, the first troopof Boy Scouts formed in China. Application for theregistration of the name at Peking has already been made.

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