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OTHER MOVEMENTS FOR SOCIAL BETTERMENT 491The General Secretary, Mrs. Goodrich,visitedGoodrichdaring the year, Chochow, Paotingfu,Shanhaikwau, Shanghai, and Hangchow, speaking many times not only to schools and groups of women,but also to men students and to mixed audiences. Severalnew societies were formed. Monthly meetings have beencarried on in Peking in many of the missions, besidesregular teaching in the Union Bible School for Women of.scientific temperance and home economics, in which teachingMiss Ch en has shared. As the members of this schoolcome from three provinces, it is hoped they will be effectiveworkers for home betterment and for temperance in eatingas well as drinking, in self-control of mind as well as body.Something too has been done in teaching hygiene, sanitation,care of children, pure living, patriotism, and, in the line ofmercy, the kinder treatment of all God s creatures.. .p M Several leaflets were published Aduring thePublications ,, , . , .year, also a book ot tales which aim tocultivate temperance, and the Story of Miss Frances E.Willard s Life. Four charts on eugenics have been printed,which it is hoped may create a new sentiment as to our dutytoward future generations, while physiological charts havebeen done by hand in water colours, showing the effect ofalcohol on the organs of the body, also charts on the effectsof cigarettes.OneShanghai Union happy augury for the future has beenthe organization ot a Woman a ChristianTemperance Union among the English speaking women ofShanghai with Mrs. L. E. Canning as President. The societyalready numbers nearly one hundred members. Fortyyears ago the Woman s Christian Temperance Union of theUnited States succeeded in introducing temperance instruction into the public schools. The children thus taught havegrown to manhood and womanhood. This accounts in alarge measure for the prohibition movement now carried onalong scientific lines with such telling results. Many ofthe schools of Europe now have such teaching, even intheir universities, Avhile England since 1909 has its syllabusto be used in the public schools. The Shanghai Union ishoping to succeed in its efforts to introduce such teaching

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