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"OTHER MOVEMENTS FOR SOCIAL BETTERMENT 489The efforts of the society are being directed along threelines at present.1.^1Teaching the principles of total abstinence to the children in our schools, and tothe women in our churches, so that they may in turn traintheir children in purity and reverence for their bodies asthe temple of God; engrafting the idea that the Woman sTemperance Union is organized mother-love and therefore, whatever can make a better mother, whatever can helpto protect her home from any evil whatsoever, that is herprovince, and that should be her care. Love organized islove powerful.2. Through lectures and by the use of charts,posters, lantern slides, leaflets, by articles in the press, toreform public sentiment as regards all questions whichrelate to home or social welfare.o. By personal efforts and prayer helping habitualusers of narcotics to reform.We arc hoping that the day may come when the fourthideal of the Woman s Christian Temperance Union may beattempted, namely, to use one s influence and the organizedinfluence of our National Union to start legislation whichwill not only mean the ultimate overthrow of traffic innarcotics of every description, but in the bodies of womenand even of little girls.Toward the end ofLecture bcreating a new publicMr Shao sentiment, the society employed for one yearMr. ShaD Wu-ch iian, a gifted speaker and ayoung man eager to help his country, to lecture on thesubject of temperance, using charts, posters or lanternslides. Everywhere his message seemed to stir men shearts its ; reception, however, was particularly gratifying inthe smaller towns and cities. Boys from the governmentschools, accompanied by their teachers, attended, andmilitary officers seemed most eager for their men to take thepledge. In order to be sure that the wish to take the pledgewas genuine, those who expressed a desire to do so wereinvited to return the next day. During the year thenumber who availed themselves of this opportunity reachedA 61

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