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"28 GENERAL REVIEW OF THE YEARCompact, the President should accelerate the convoking ofthe National Convention so that it should meet before theend of the year, or that he should devise other proper andadequate means to consult the will of the people.The President in reply said that arrange-Prsstdsnt sineiits had alreadv been made for the electionReplyof members of the Citizens Convention inNovember. When they were completed the Convention couldbe convened and from them an expression of the will of thepeople obtained.Petition fromMonarchistsThe course favoured bv the President didnot commend itself to the monarchists, andpetitions were sent from many quarters tothe acting Li Fa Yuan urging that a special popular bodyshould be convoked to which, the question of the form ofgovernment could be submitted. A petition, signed by overten thousand persons, from the Ch ou An Hui, pointed outthat the proposal to submit the matter to the CitizensConvention was open to objection. According to theprovisions of the Constitutional Compact, the CitizensConvention was a body to which was to be entrusted theduty of adopting the new Constitution of the Kepublic if;it were to take to itself authority to change the Republic toa monarchy, and to elevate the President to the Throne, itwould be exceeding its legal functions. The convocation ofanother popular organ vested with ample powers at anearlier date was earnestly recommended. "This course,"the petitioners declared, will secure an effective solutionwhile at the same time the spirit of the Jaw will be strictlyobserved." A desire \vas shown throughout to accomplishthe change in the form of government by means as littleextra-constitutional as the circumstances permitted.The acting Li Fa Yuan decided to adoptCitizensj le course recommended. A bill wasConvention ,,passed, </-,., , i> A.-for the election of Citizens Representatives,to whom was to be delegated the power of deciding whetherthe republican system was to be maintained, and, if themonarchical system were decided upon, of nominating theEmperor. The Law on the organization of the Conventionof Citizens Representatives consisted of sixteen articles.

CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 1915 29The first article laid it down that the question of the formof government should be decided by the Convention inaccordance with the collective wish of the entire body ofthe citizens of the country. The election of the CitizensRepresentatives was to be by single balloting. The Convention was to be composed of the following representatives:(a) Each district in every province and special administrative area shall elect one representative.j(b) Outer and Inner Mongolia shall elect altogetherthirty-two representatives, two for each League.(c) Outer and Inner Tibet shall elect twelve representatives, six for each division.(d) Chinghai shall elect six representatives.(e) The Manehu, Mongolian and Chinese Banners(eight each) shall elect twenty-four representatives, one foreach Banner.the Cham(f ) Sixty representatives shall be elected bybers of Commerce throughout the country.(g) Thirty representatives shall be elected by recognised learned scholars.(h) Twenty representatives shall be elected by thosewho have done good service to the country.The representatives in the provinces and special administrative areas were to be elected by the successful candidatesof the primary election for the Citizens Convention. Infact, the members of the Convention of Citizens Representatives were virtually all to be elected in accordance with theregulations adopted for the election of members of theCitizens Convention, but representation was also given toChinese merchants abroad and Mohammedans. The regulations for the election of the Citizens Representatives werepromulgated on October 8 and immediately came intoforce. The successful candidates in the wrprovinces ere toassemble in the various provincial capitals about the middleof November and cast their votes either for or against aconstitutional monarchy. Voting, however, began earlierthan was expected and the first results were published onOctober 28, when it was announced that Cliihli, Fengtien,Kirin, Shensi and Hunan had declared unanimously infavour of the re-establishment of monarchy with President

CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 1915 29The first article laid it down that the question of the formof government should be decided by the Convention inaccordance with the collective wish of the entire body ofthe citizens of the country. The election of the CitizensRepresentatives was to be by single balloting. The Convention was to be composed of the following representatives:(a) Each district in every province and special administrative area shall elect one representative.j(b) Outer and Inner Mongolia shall elect altogetherthirty-two representatives, two for each League.(c) Outer and Inner Tibet shall elect twelve representatives, six for each division.(d) Chinghai shall elect six representatives.(e) The Manehu, Mongolian and Chinese Banners(eight each) shall elect twenty-four representatives, one foreach Banner.the Cham(f ) Sixty representatives shall be elected bybers of Commerce throughout the country.(g) Thirty representatives shall be elected by recognised learned scholars.(h) Twenty representatives shall be elected by thosewho have done good service to the country.The representatives in the provinces and special administrative areas were to be elected by the successful candidatesof the primary election for the Citizens Convention. Infact, the members of the Convention of Citizens Representatives were virtually all to be elected in accordance with theregulations adopted for the election of members of theCitizens Convention, but representation was also given toChinese merchants abroad and Mohammedans. The regulations for the election of the Citizens Representatives werepromulgated on October 8 and immediately came intoforce. The successful candidates in the wrprovinces ere toassemble in the various provincial capitals about the middleof November and cast their votes either for or against aconstitutional monarchy. Voting, however, began earlierthan was expected and the first results were published onOctober 28, when it was announced that Cliihli, Fengtien,Kirin, Shensi and Hunan had declared unanimously infavour of the re-establishment of monarchy with President

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