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<Jam(>0<>480 MISCELLANEOUSThe data will bo grouped under *three beads as follows:Living expenses of different classes of the community.Course ot exchange, silver dollar to copper coin1907-1914.Trice of rice, 1906-1916 inclusive.Living ExpensesBelow is given the budget of several classes of theworkers of the community:House Coolie(in Foreign Family)Dependents. Wife, wife s father, three children.Family lives on a farm 90 H from city.Expenses.Personal Expensesof the coolie in thecity, ouly.Food .................. I. , ]."><) LMttn.Hi }<<>r 7o/ff/*fi.SOO :T>,S( M)Sandals, iiTass ...... (50 720cloth, - pairs tiOOlent s, second-handmake-up money;>,70oHair cuts and shaves, (two)-">05,020<><>7-0Smokes, 2 cash per JayTea and odds an<l ends I M 18<>03,18034,000Income.$3.00 silver per month at 1000 ..........">7,800("Jit ts at feasts ... ..................1,6<M)."><),4<M)09,400The difference, or 25,400 cash, is sent to the family inthe country. The farm in the country is rented for a 28,000*A further section on Business Conditions forms a partoriginal Report,of the

""whichSOCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS 481cash deposit and one-fifth of the principal crops, (rice andwheat). Thus the wife, children and the father get the restof the crop, the value of the small vegetables, and 25,400cash for their support.Contract Labourer (In vegetable garden outside South Gate)Dependents Wife, who works as servant in Chinesefamily in the city; boy, aged thirteen, who tends a cow, andsleeps with the employer ; aged father, who lives with theman in a little grass hut provided by employer, on thevegetable garden.Expenses.Rent(.See remarks above; hut would be worthNoneat the outside 3,(XX") cash per year).*Light(Use no lamps; go to bed at dark).Grandfather s food : MonthRice, 8 alien 1,120Oil, 1 gin 128Vegetables 200NoneYenr1,44S 17,37<>7,.")0()Clothes, three menClothes, wife s,<f(some are givenby employer) ...3,00027,87(5Income.Man s contract wage, pins food and lodgings 12,000Boy s contract wage, plus food and lodgings 3,000\Vife s contract wage, plus food and lodgings 8,400Employer s gifts to man and wife at feastdays, about2,r>0025,900The deficiency, 1,976 cash, is easily made up bysqueeze that the man makes for selling the produce ofthe farm.Silversmith (working foranother man)(Dependents Wife; one boy, aged fifteen, student).A 60

""whichSOCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS 481cash deposit and one-fifth of the principal crops, (rice andwheat). Thus the wife, children and the father get the restof the crop, the value of the small vegetables, and 25,400cash for their support.Contract Labourer (In vegetable garden outside South Gate)Dependents Wife, who works as servant in Chinesefamily in the city; boy, aged thirteen, who tends a cow, andsleeps with the employer ; aged father, who lives with theman in a little grass hut provided by employer, on thevegetable garden.Expenses.Rent(.See remarks above; hut would be worthNoneat the outside 3,(XX") cash per year).*Light(Use no lamps; go to bed at dark).Grandfather s food : MonthRice, 8 alien 1,120Oil, 1 gin 128Vegetables 200NoneYenr1,44S 17,37<>7,.")0()Clothes, three menClothes, wife s,<f(some are givenby employer) ...3,00027,87(5Income.Man s contract wage, pins food and lodgings 12,000Boy s contract wage, plus food and lodgings 3,000\Vife s contract wage, plus food and lodgings 8,400Employer s gifts to man and wife at feastdays, about2,r>0025,900The deficiency, 1,976 cash, is easily made up bysqueeze that the man makes for selling the produce ofthe farm.Silversmith (working foranother man)(Dependents Wife; one boy, aged fifteen, student).A 60

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