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CITY SURVEYS 473appointed days. During this last winter there has beenunion effort in conducting services in the street chapelsconnected with the missions. After the Eddy campaign lastyear the different missions set aside special men to work intheir own districts under the direction of the Young Men sChristian Association in following up those who desired tostudy the Bible. This effort has resulted in permanentwork for students, especially in the Anglican and AmericanBoard Missions.Since the reconstruction of the missions after 1900 the.Presbyterian, London and American Board Missions haveunited in all higher educational work. The Methodist andAnglican Missions have also united with the three namedabove in medical education. The Union College for menhas bee 11 located on the American Board property inTungchow, the college for women on the American Boardproperty in Peking. The Union Theological Seminary hasbeen on the Presbyterian Mission properly and the UnionMedical College on that of the London Mission. Recentlysteps have been taken to form a large, federated Christianuniversity in which all the missions working in the city areto join. The proposed site is east of the present PekingUniversity in the southeast corner of the city. Thetheological seminary is already working on this union basis.The property of the Union Medical College has beenpurchased by the China Medical Board of the RockefellerFoundation and will be controlled by a board of trusteesrepresenting the various missions and the Medical Commission. There are large plans for the development ofmedical education with a medical school of the highestgrade in Peking.The committee appointed by the Bible Societies for therevision of the Kwanhua translation of the Bible has beenworking in Peking for the past three years. The membersof the committee are Dr. C. Goodrich, Rev. F. W. Bailer,Dr. Spencer Lewis and Rev. E. E. Aiken. They hope thatthe revision may be completed within another year.A 59

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