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Asides470thirty-two pupils. The Union Theological Seminary hasjust moved from this compound to the site of the newPeking UniversityṪhe American Board Mission has threecllurches il]Peking and twenty-two outstationsto the west and south of the city.Including those engaged in union wrork there are twentythreeforeign and 105 Chinese workers. The mission hastwelve boys schools and eight girls schools of!elementarygrade. The boys middle school covers the first two yearswork only, the students going to the academy and college atTungehow for the completion of their work. BridgmanAcademy, one of the oldest girls schools in China, islocated 111 this mission. The North China Union Women sCollege has its home here and will soon move into new quarters. The Union Bible School for women is also located here.Fourteen miles east of 1eking the American Board lias astation at Tungchow which is closely related to ttie work inthe capital. Here is located the I nion College for men ofthe Presbyterian, London and American Board Missions.The London Mission has for years had itsdliet work hl theMhsionEast Cit^ la y in g specialstress upon medical Avork. Until recently,when it was secured by the China Medical Board, the UnionMedical School has been located on the property of thismission. The work in the dispensary and hospital has beenlarge and of great importance. At present the mission ismoving to the West City where for some time it has had adispensary and preaching chapel. There are nineteenworkers in the foreign force and fifty-two in the Chineseforce. The mission has its own boys middle school.Besides its city churches, work is carried on in twelve outstations.The church at Tz u Clri K ou in the South Citywas established by this mission but recently has become anindependent church. It lias just erected a new churchbuilding with funds from Chinese.The Society for the Propagation of thea "Gos i )el has its work in the West (> Jity ,three other centres where missionaries reside,Yungching, seventy miles south of Peking, Hokienfu and

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