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462 MISCELLANEOUSchow. The avowed purpose of the Union Committee was tounite the five churches of Hangcliow for more effective workin carrying the gospel to the entire city. It was then suggested that preceding a survey of the city there should bemade a study of the church-membership of Hangchow. Inreaching those of all ages and both sexes, all classes in allparts of the city, what are our human resources?A committee was accordingly appointed for thispurpose.After consultation with Christian workers, Chineseand foreign, we prepared a questionnaire to be presented toevery church-member in Hangchow. A large group ofstudents from the Hangchow Christian College, Way landAcademy, and the Kwang Tsi Medical School were enlistedto take this questionnaire, to each church-member, who filledit out in their presence.SurveyThe survey was only partial. The questionSasked ^^Vei>e : Tke Sunda V Schoolsof Hangcliow. How many are there? Howmany teachers, how many pupils? How many use theInternational Sunday School lessons ? To what extent areenquirers and other non-church-members receiving instruction in the Sunday schools? (2) The enquirers enrolled inthe jive churches. How many are they? What are the bestmethods in use for teaching them thefoundation principlesof the Christian religion and of the Christian Church andfor preparing them for active church-membership. (3) The.finances of the churches. What is the total amount usedin a year for evangelistic work in the city? How much ofthis is contributed by the members of the Church in Hangchow? How are the expenditures distributed ?When the -Eddy meetings were approaching the originalcommittee was relieved of its work and a new committee onsurvey was appointed, first, to complete the survey, and,second, to make a study of the facts already gathered. Itis hoped this committee will render this important servicein such a way as to enable the Church of Hangchow torealize more clearly both its strength and its weaknesses andto profit by this knowledge.1 have been asked to present some of the facts revealedby the partial survey conducted by the original committee.

"CITY SURVEYS 403The population of ITangchow is 800.000.he survey was niac^e tnere were 918baptized Christians in Hangchow, or oneChristian for every 871 persons in the city.The 918 communicant Christians are em-Occupations.ployed as fol]owsRailway ...... ...... 3 Teachers ............ 74Postal .. ---- .. ...... 5 Shopkeepers ......... 83Police or military .... 10 Labourers .......... 199Farmers and gardeners 38 Students .......... . . 295In employ of Church. . 48 No report .......... 109Doctors .............. 54Total 918It will be noted that there are 83 church-members ofthe shop class in the entire city. This class is particularlyhard to reach. They have not the disposition or habit tostudy and are not free to attend public worship. Thereare also difficulties in the way of their joining the Church.Special methods need to be thought out and worked out toreach this large class in our city. Two years and more agowhen this survey was made there were no officials in theChurch. Although there were many students very fewwere from the government schools, if indeed there were any.There are 563 men and boys and 355P rf M 0rt nwomen andlgirls, 61.3% of the former andWomu 38.7% of the latter. This means that forvxevery six males there are only four or lessfemales in the church. There are several reasons fo*r this.AVomen are naturally more conservative. In China most ofthe women cannot read and therefore cannot study theBible for themselves. But. in a very important sense, it ismore important to win the women than the men. WhenMr. Wen joined the church he asked at once for some oneto teach Mrs. Wen the gospel with a view to leading iu-rinto the church. When I join the church," he said,it is only an individual that is added. Win Mrs. Wen andyou win a family and future generations for Christ andHis Church." Should we not then emphasize more work

"CITY SURVEYS 403The population of ITangchow is 800.000.he survey was niac^e tnere were 918baptized Christians in Hangchow, or oneChristian for every 871 persons in the city.The 918 communicant Christians are em-Occupations.ployed as fol]owsRailway ...... ...... 3 Teachers ............ 74Postal .. ---- .. ...... 5 Shopkeepers ......... 83Police or military .... 10 Labourers .......... 199Farmers and gardeners 38 Students .......... . . 295In employ of Church. . 48 No report .......... 109Doctors .............. 54Total 918It will be noted that there are 83 church-members ofthe shop class in the entire city. This class is particularlyhard to reach. They have not the disposition or habit tostudy and are not free to attend public worship. Thereare also difficulties in the way of their joining the Church.Special methods need to be thought out and worked out toreach this large class in our city. Two years and more agowhen this survey was made there were no officials in theChurch. Although there were many students very fewwere from the government schools, if indeed there were any.There are 563 men and boys and 355P rf M 0rt nwomen andlgirls, 61.3% of the former andWomu 38.7% of the latter. This means that forvxevery six males there are only four or lessfemales in the church. There are several reasons fo*r this.AVomen are naturally more conservative. In China most ofthe women cannot read and therefore cannot study theBible for themselves. But. in a very important sense, it ismore important to win the women than the men. WhenMr. Wen joined the church he asked at once for some oneto teach Mrs. Wen the gospel with a view to leading iu-rinto the church. When I join the church," he said,it is only an individual that is added. Win Mrs. Wen andyou win a family and future generations for Christ andHis Church." Should we not then emphasize more work

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