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MISCELLANEOUSsecretaries believe, that the foreigner s work was doDe whenthe directors were able to pay their secretaries.The place of the foreigner in the pioneerChurch is quite well defined. lieForeigner s is at thatPlace time evangelist, pastor, business manager, allcombined. He must do everything that thereis to be done. But his functions should change as theCl lurch becomes established. He should not continue to dothe same things. It is found that the Chinese becomes aneffective evangelist and pastor and the laymen are able, tomanage the finances. What then is his function in theindependent Church? He enters new r fields. He is counsellor and assistant, friend and companion to the ministerin charge. He advises and inspires. lie avoids assumingfirst responsibility. He puts the Chinese forward. Asregards the public, he decreases while the Chinese increase.He stands between pastor and laymen when this meansrelieving the load. He keeps things from getting iu a rut.He irons out difficulties. He does his work by indirectiontind suggestion and is not exasperated when his suggestionsare not taken. In a word he assumes the attitude ofVerbeck. one of the greatest influences in shaping themodern Japan, who "sought to dwell in the shadow in orderthat he might increase the light."The foreigner has a well defined place in higher education and in medicine. On the other hand, when it comes tothe local church, it is generally assumed that the sooner aforeigner can tear himself away from it and leave it to theChinese the better it will be for that church. But is thisthe wise policy? Should the foreigner be merely a pioneerthat opens up new fields, gets the work well started, andthen moves on to a new place? For it must be rememberedthat when he moves away from the established church, heloses that connection which should mean much in multiplying his own life.When are we as foreigners warranted inPeriod of^ leaving a church to itself? The actualGreatest"practice of the foreign missionary in Shang-Usefulness na ^ nas been to give less and less time to theShanghai field, because the assumption has

CITY SURVEYS 459been thai its needs air being provided for by the churchesnow established. It has been assumed that the Churchwhich is able to raise enough money to pay the salary of itspastor and to acquire the resultant independence is not ingreat need of the foreign missionary. But I submit thatwhen the Church becomes self-supporting and independentthe period of the foreigner s usefulness has really onJybegun. A parent s dutyis not finished when the child canwalk alone. In fact the child has only reached the morecritical stage as a result of having learned to walk. Hestill needs education, nourishment and guidance. Theintensive cultivation is the most difficult work to do andrequires the skilled hand.We have accepted the above principle inThe Principle educational work. The foreigner has beenAdopted in drawn into the training centre. lie is notEducational ., , ,,^ork sent to a city to open a college and then assoon as he has secured ;iprofessor sent off toanother eity to open up another college. The movementhas been to build up strong, well-equipped efficient institutions which are centres for the training of those who will inturn become the teachers of the nation.Yet when we come to evangelistic work weSimilar Needj y t t j fore ig ner ou t to be the pioneerin Evangelistic i -i j. i 13^ork and in doing this he has had to leave the oldcentre and the place where he was just gettinginto position to do his greatest work. When a new man isappointed to the Shanghai field for evangelistic work,instead of working in the city limits he is very likely tostart out into the country to open new stations or to visitstations recently opened. This practice has left us withoutstrong centres for inspiration and training. The churcheshave not developed as centres of power. They began aspreaching chapels; they have continued as preachingchapels, growing but slowly from year to year. Thepresent great opportunity opens and they find themselvesunable to cope with it. We have not found the men forpastors, nor trained the laymen to serve, nor developed themto give as they can to the spread of the gospel. We havenot begun to get results from the Shanghai churches and

MISCELLANEOUSsecretaries believe, that the foreigner s work was doDe whenthe directors were able to pay their secretaries.The place of the foreigner in the pioneerChurch is quite well defined. lieForeigner s is at thatPlace time evangelist, pastor, business manager, allcombined. He must do everything that thereis to be done. But his functions should change as theCl lurch becomes established. He should not continue to dothe same things. It is found that the Chinese becomes aneffective evangelist and pastor and the laymen are able, tomanage the finances. What then is his function in theindependent Church? He enters new r fields. He is counsellor and assistant, friend and companion to the ministerin charge. He advises and inspires. lie avoids assumingfirst responsibility. He puts the Chinese forward. Asregards the public, he decreases while the Chinese increase.He stands between pastor and laymen when this meansrelieving the load. He keeps things from getting iu a rut.He irons out difficulties. He does his work by indirectiontind suggestion and is not exasperated when his suggestionsare not taken. In a word he assumes the attitude ofVerbeck. one of the greatest influences in shaping themodern Japan, who "sought to dwell in the shadow in orderthat he might increase the light."The foreigner has a well defined place in higher education and in medicine. On the other hand, when it comes tothe local church, it is generally assumed that the sooner aforeigner can tear himself away from it and leave it to theChinese the better it will be for that church. But is thisthe wise policy? Should the foreigner be merely a pioneerthat opens up new fields, gets the work well started, andthen moves on to a new place? For it must be rememberedthat when he moves away from the established church, heloses that connection which should mean much in multiplying his own life.When are we as foreigners warranted inPeriod of^ leaving a church to itself? The actualGreatest"practice of the foreign missionary in Shang-Usefulness na ^ nas been to give less and less time to theShanghai field, because the assumption has

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