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CITY SURVEYS 455work of the mission schools, all these have created anentirely new situation. Old religions have lost their hold,the old temples are deserted, no new ones are being built.Wherever the message of Christ is preached men are readyto hear. The merchant, official and student classes are opento Christian truth. They are ready not only to listen tothe gospel but come regularly to study the Bible.We are living in a new period as regards the Churchand I submit that the Church is not showing itself alive tothis fact and is not shaping its programme so as adequatelyto prepare for the large ingathering that is literally at thedoors ready to be received and trained for a new life.8. The third point I would mention is theW Sfailure f the Church to realize that it mustbe a working Church and every membermust become a working member. No Church can successfully maintain itself and expand that is merely a listeningChurch. We have overworked the ears of the members,while the arms and legs, the hearts and the hands havebecome atrophied through disuse. Wo need more than achurch-going Church in China. Our pastors have not beentrained in this kind of work. They do not know how toorganize and bring out latent energies and do not see theneed of getting others who have this gift to assist them. Withtoo many of the pastors the week s programme consists of theSunday morning service, the week-day prayer-meeting, theappointment at the preaching chapel. The Chinese are apractical people, They respond to appeals for service.They want to help but there is no one to lead, and as aresult, an energy, very much needed, is going to waste.The proper conservation of these latent resources wouldwithout doubt in a year double the membership and stir thewhole community.4. A study of our Churches shows that^ead s "the ,leadership is all too small in numbersInsumctent -. -. -. . , i-ji^j /and lacking, very largely, in that type ofyoung men and women which must be requisitionedif weare to cope with the present wide-open opportunity.Furthermore there is at present no adequate plan to bringsuch into the ministry and train them. In this connection

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