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448 MISCELLANEOUSChristian group has become sufficiently large to assume thorent themselves, the mission appropriation should be immediately withdrawn. Ten to fifteen Chinese Christianswould be sufficient to assume the small expense incidentupon the incipient work ;and as their numbers graduallyincreased they could provide themselves with a permanentplace of worship. From the very first the handful ofChristians should be taught to administer their own affairs,and thus the Church will develop along natural lines; andnot become involved in the intricacies of a foreign system.The Chinese ultimately must direct and control the affairs oftheir own Church ;and from the first should be allowedfreedom to express themselves in their own way.SOME SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS ADOPTEDForward Tnat each station be instructed to exertEvangelistic itself to the utmost in the carrying out ofMovement this Mission-wide evangelistic campaign.That an appeal be made to the Executive Committeefor a special appropriation to cover the expense incidentupon this campaign.That each station be advised by the Mission to studycarefully and prayerfully reconsider the whole question ofmaking the widest possible use of all its available evangelisticforce, both paid and unpaid, in sending them out to reachas many different centres as possible.That the Mission instruct its members who are engagedin evangelistic work to bring before the members of theChinese churches the necessity of releasing the funds nowused in comparatively well-established work, in order thatwe may meet the claims of others upon our resources.That the Mission instruct each missionary in charge ofevangelistic work to encourage and lead each congregationto organized evangelistic work in its immediately adjacentdistricts for the purpose of stimulating, reviving, andstrengthening its own resources.That the Mission instruct each missionarySelf-supportto continue to urge self-support along alllines, and as soon as possible to make the work of theChinese church independent of foreign support.

PROVINCIAL SURVEYS 449That the Mission urge all churches now organized, ifunable to call a pastor for his whole time, to call one for apart of his time; and that there be impressed upon thechurches the fact that the calling and supporting of theirown pastor is their first duty ; after which should come thecalling of other evangelizing agents, such as Bible women,evangelists, and colporteurs.That upon any church s readiness and willingness toassume the support of its own wrork it be offered its freedomfrom Mission control and urged to place itself under thejurisdiction of the presbytery.That those in charge of institutional work*)e ur& ecl to ^ive as limcl1 time as possible tooutside evangelistic work, thus aiding in thetask of reaching the masses ;and that where possible thecongregation or congregations of the central stations beplaced in charge of those engaged in institutional work, thusleaving the other members of the stations free for aand more aggressive evangelism.widerThat after 1915, if possible, every teacher in charge ofa day school shall be a graduate from a high school, orhave had some normal training.That in both our day schools and boarding schools nodistinction shall be made in the rate of tuition charged tostudents from Christian and from non-Christian homes.That no iion- Christian teacher shall be placed in chargeof any mission school.That the school committee be instructed to beforebringthe Mission recommendations looking to the establishmentof an annual teacher s institute for the benefit ofschool teachers.our dayA 50

448 MISCELLANEOUSChristian group has become sufficiently large to assume thorent themselves, the mission appropriation should be immediately withdrawn. Ten to fifteen Chinese Christianswould be sufficient to assume the small expense incidentupon the incipient work ;and as their numbers graduallyincreased they could provide themselves with a permanentplace of worship. From the very first the handful ofChristians should be taught to administer their own affairs,and thus the Church will develop along natural lines; andnot become involved in the intricacies of a foreign system.The Chinese ultimately must direct and control the affairs oftheir own Church ;and from the first should be allowedfreedom to express themselves in their own way.SOME SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS ADOPTEDForward Tnat each station be instructed to exertEvangelistic itself to the utmost in the carrying out ofMovement this Mission-wide evangelistic campaign.That an appeal be made to the Executive Committeefor a special appropriation to cover the expense incidentupon this campaign.That each station be advised by the Mission to studycarefully and prayerfully reconsider the whole question ofmaking the widest possible use of all its available evangelisticforce, both paid and unpaid, in sending them out to reachas many different centres as possible.That the Mission instruct its members who are engagedin evangelistic work to bring before the members of theChinese churches the necessity of releasing the funds nowused in comparatively well-established work, in order thatwe may meet the claims of others upon our resources.That the Mission instruct each missionary in charge ofevangelistic work to encourage and lead each congregationto organized evangelistic work in its immediately adjacentdistricts for the purpose of stimulating, reviving, andstrengthening its own resources.That the Mission instruct each missionarySelf-supportto continue to urge self-support along alllines, and as soon as possible to make the work of theChinese church independent of foreign support.

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