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444 MISCELLANEOUS^ 8 indicatedArea andabove, the territory of ourMission embraces thePopulationterritory of threemagistracies south of the River and oftwenty-three magistracies north of the River, together withcertain out-lying sections which have also been left to us.This territory for which we alone are responsible contains aminimum population of 13,000,000 souls.* j The plan of the Mission calls for eight cenira l stations ;the two stations of Hwaian andEquJpmentTsingkiangpu because of their geographicalcontiguity are regarded as occupying one district, but areseparate centres of work. The principal agency for theevangelization of this territory should be Chinese. Webelieve the strong emphasis should be placed upon thenecessity of a greater number of Chinese agents bothbecause of their greater economy and also their ultimateefficiency. We should have a native force of one evangelist toevery ten thousand of the population in our field.In addition to the male evangelistic force we shouldhave a minimum of one Bible woman to every 50,000 ofthe population. Our estimate of the number of paid Biblewomen required for the working of the field ispurposelymade small, because the wives of the Chinese evangelistsmay also be counted upon for doing a considerable amountof efficient evangelistic work among the women.Evangelistic ForceMen WomenTotal Force Required. ...... 1300 260Present Force 80 20Increase Necessary 1200 240TJ, .,Each central station with the frLducatronal exception ofTT, , n , ,? i j-Work Hwaian should have a boys boardingschool; and, with the exception of Chinkiang,where co-operation may be had with the MethodistEpiscopal Mission in educational work for girls, eachstation should also have a boarding school for girls.Provision should also be made for a girls boardingschool at Hwaian, to be established when the way is clear,

PROVINCIAL SURVEYS 445These central schools should do both higher primary andhigh school work: their curricula being uniform, andleading up to regular college courses in a union institutioncitherNanking or Tsinan. For the present the mission hasno need for institutions doing college grade work.In addition to these central schools, there should alsobe lower primary schools (where possible with localco-operation and support) at each of our out-stations forevery 10,000 of the population. At some of the larger andmore important out-stations there should also be schools ofthe higher primary grade. All of these schools should bestandardized in curricula and equipment, and madepreparatory to the central boarding institutions.For normal and Bible training school work the plan ofthe Mission is to depend upon union institutions, either atNanking or Tsinan, for advanced work; and also upon localtraining classes.The Mission plans to provide a teachers institute, orsummer course in normal training, for the benefit of ourlower primary school teachers.The above educational programme gives an ultimatetotal of seven boys boarding schools ;seven girls boardingschools, and 1,300 out-station primary schools. The cost ofconducting this programme cannot be estimated with anydegree of accuracy, because of the possibility of nativeco-operation and support referred to below ; and alsobecause of the fact that such a system cannot be establishedat once. Its growth and proper development wouldnecessarily cover a period of several tens of years; and theChurch should supply us with the necessary funds as theyare required by the Mission.Medical Work^^e Mission s plan is to have a wellequippedmodern hospital with two physiciansand a trained nurse at Siichowfu, Sutsien, Hachow, Tsingkiangpu,Taichow, Yencheng, and Ohinkiang. Theestablishment of a separate medical work at Hwaianfu isleft open for future consideration. For the present themedical work at that station is under the direction of thehospital at Tsingkiangpu.

444 MISCELLANEOUS^ 8 indicatedArea andabove, the territory of ourMission embraces thePopulationterritory of threemagistracies south of the River and oftwenty-three magistracies north of the River, together withcertain out-lying sections which have also been left to us.This territory for which we alone are responsible contains aminimum population of 13,000,000 souls.* j The plan of the Mission calls for eight cenira l stations ;the two stations of Hwaian andEquJpmentTsingkiangpu because of their geographicalcontiguity are regarded as occupying one district, but areseparate centres of work. The principal agency for theevangelization of this territory should be Chinese. Webelieve the strong emphasis should be placed upon thenecessity of a greater number of Chinese agents bothbecause of their greater economy and also their ultimateefficiency. We should have a native force of one evangelist toevery ten thousand of the population in our field.In addition to the male evangelistic force we shouldhave a minimum of one Bible woman to every 50,000 ofthe population. Our estimate of the number of paid Biblewomen required for the working of the field ispurposelymade small, because the wives of the Chinese evangelistsmay also be counted upon for doing a considerable amountof efficient evangelistic work among the women.Evangelistic ForceMen WomenTotal Force Required. ...... 1300 260Present Force 80 20Increase Necessary 1200 240TJ, .,Each central station with the frLducatronal exception ofTT, , n , ,? i j-Work Hwaian should have a boys boardingschool; and, with the exception of Chinkiang,where co-operation may be had with the MethodistEpiscopal Mission in educational work for girls, eachstation should also have a boarding school for girls.Provision should also be made for a girls boardingschool at Hwaian, to be established when the way is clear,

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