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442 MISCELLANEOUSShweiyang (tin- old magistracies of Sanyang, Sliweiyang,Cli iiiglio,T aoyuau, and Paoying), with a population forthe whole territory of 2,500,000.5. The territory for the evangelization of which theHaichovv Station is responsible is the three magistraciesof Tonghai, Kanyu, and Kuanuin, with a population of1,500,000.6. The territory of Sutsien station includes themagistracies of Sutsien, Shweining and P ichow, and alsothose sections across the border from Shwcining, with a totalpopulation of 2,000,000.7. The territory of Siichowfu Station is the magistracies of T ongshan, Feng, P ei, Hsiao, Tangshan; whichtogether with sections now worked across the borders give tothat station a responsibility of 2 ; 500,000.This subdivision of the territory omits all those sectionsnorth of the River which are being worked by other missions ;namely, the six magistracies of Nant ong, Kiangtu (Yangchow),Hsinghwa, Lienshwei (Autong), Icheng, Luho; italso omits the two magistracies of Chingkiang and Haimenwhich as stated above are unoccupied but too remote fromour field to be successfully worked by us. Of these magistracies only two, Lienshwei and Hsinghwa, are within theboundaries of our mission ;the remaining six are outside thelimits of our territory. We have, therefore, a territorywhich is intact, and our work is intended to be contiguouson all sides.The work of the past years has createdO^ ie tremendousottwSk*opportunity which confrontsus to-day. The barriers have been brokendown, the way has been made clear. Those of our numberwho have been on the field for longer term of service, whohave borne the burden and heat of the day, would be untrueto themselves, and those who have more recently enteredupon the work would be recreant to their trust and un<worthy of their heritage, if we did not in God s strengthtake possession of the land.Our aim is not to secure foreign missionaries in sufficiently large numbers to evangeli/e our territory, butsimply to have a foreign force sufficiently large to train the

PROVINCIAL SURVEYS 443Chinese Christians and to direct them, so far as may benecessary, in the evangelizing of their own people. Wecannot place too great emphasis on the fact that the greaterpart of the work of evangelizing ultimately must be done bythe Chinese. Our aim is to establish a Christian Churchthat will quickly become independent of foreign funds andforeign control; and in its independence become the chiefagency for winning the Chinese to Christ. The success ofour work will be determined by the strength of the ChineseChurch within our bounds.In the interest of both efficiency andNeed ofeconomy we are convinced that we shouldplan and standardize our work along certaingeneral lines presently to be specified. The planning of ourwork is necessary in order that all of our efforts may berelated, and a proper balance maintained between the different parts of our field and the different work of individualmissionaries. If the work of one station or of one individualbe inefficiently done, the work of the whole mission is therebyhindered. There is need for a closer co-ordination of all themission work in our field. The experience of the past wouldseem to indicate that a "ifmissionary is not an individualistto start with, he is in danger of quickly becomingWe one."need to link up all the departments of our work; tomultiply points of contact between the different forms of\*ork; and to secure for the whole work of the whole fieldthe intelligent interest and sympathetic support of eachindividual worker. Our work is not the unrelated work ofseven or eight different fields, but the united work of onefield ;and the work of each Station and of each individualhas an important bearing on the whole. The north KiangsuMission has no place for free lances or free lance work.What we need is standardization, co-operation, and unity ofaim and method. Definiteness of aim, continuity of purposeand general policy should be our mission s principle ofgrowth.Plan Ado tedwhich we are responsible :^*ie f^owin^ ^ s an outline of the planadopted by the Mission for the territory for

442 MISCELLANEOUSShweiyang (tin- old magistracies of Sanyang, Sliweiyang,Cli iiiglio,T aoyuau, and Paoying), with a population forthe whole territory of 2,500,000.5. The territory for the evangelization of which theHaichovv Station is responsible is the three magistraciesof Tonghai, Kanyu, and Kuanuin, with a population of1,500,000.6. The territory of Sutsien station includes themagistracies of Sutsien, Shweining and P ichow, and alsothose sections across the border from Shwcining, with a totalpopulation of 2,000,000.7. The territory of Siichowfu Station is the magistracies of T ongshan, Feng, P ei, Hsiao, Tangshan; whichtogether with sections now worked across the borders give tothat station a responsibility of 2 ; 500,000.This subdivision of the territory omits all those sectionsnorth of the River which are being worked by other missions ;namely, the six magistracies of Nant ong, Kiangtu (Yangchow),Hsinghwa, Lienshwei (Autong), Icheng, Luho; italso omits the two magistracies of Chingkiang and Haimenwhich as stated above are unoccupied but too remote fromour field to be successfully worked by us. Of these magistracies only two, Lienshwei and Hsinghwa, are within theboundaries of our mission ;the remaining six are outside thelimits of our territory. We have, therefore, a territorywhich is intact, and our work is intended to be contiguouson all sides.The work of the past years has createdO^ ie tremendousottwSk*opportunity which confrontsus to-day. The barriers have been brokendown, the way has been made clear. Those of our numberwho have been on the field for longer term of service, whohave borne the burden and heat of the day, would be untrueto themselves, and those who have more recently enteredupon the work would be recreant to their trust and un<worthy of their heritage, if we did not in God s strengthtake possession of the land.Our aim is not to secure foreign missionaries in sufficiently large numbers to evangeli/e our territory, butsimply to have a foreign force sufficiently large to train the

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