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PROVINCIAL SURVEYS 439Missionaries North of River Inclusive of ChinfciangNote on above table: Of the six missions put down as working in theChinkiang field, only the Presbyterian and the Baptist Missions are doing ageneral missionary work. The China Inland Mission is engaged in agencywork. The one male physician mentioned has been set aside by his missionto superintend house building in this and the neighbouring provinces. TheNational Bible Society of Scotland agent engages in no local missionary work,but has charge of the distribution of his Society s publications over threeprovinces.distribution of the population. While there are no citiesnorth of the River as large as Soochow. for instance, yet thecountry districts are much more densely populated. Assupplementary to the above tabulated force of foreigners,there is in mission employ in the two sections the followingcorps of Chinese workers : For the territory south of theRiver (exclusive of the American Presbyterian Mission,South, and the Foreign Christian Missionary Society, forwhich no figures could be secured) there is employed a totalteaching and preaching force of 995 Chinese assistants. Inthe territory north of the River there is employed by all theagencies working in this section a body of 277 teachers andpreachers.^ wou^ ^eUnequal interesting to understand theDistribution causes which in the past have led to suchconcentration and unequal distribution of our

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