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434 MISCELLANEOUSthe northern prefecture? of Chekiang province allowing the territoryoccupied by our mission and the location of existing and proposedout-station work.It is hoped that enough copies of the out-station maps can beprepared so that each out-station can have- a map of its own district,each station can have a set of its own maps, the conference secretarycan have a complete tile for general committee use, and a full set canbe sent to the board. In addition to the preparation of these maps,several questionnaires were found necessary in order to get the factson which are based some of the detailed estimates found later in thisreport. In a similar way, curves have been plotted showing the rateof increase in the various departments of our work and in our workas a whole.A cli art for each station was preparedsll w in 8 byilsystem of circles with radii1increasing by 20 li the location and distancefrom the main station of each out-station ;asimilar chart showed the actual and relative time requiredto travel to each otit-station. Another system of chartsshowed the actual number of days required to supervise theout-station work of each station in accordance with auniform standard, the time varying for each field becauseof varying conditions of travel, varying distances, etc.This chart, of course, furnished a basis for determiningthe number of foreign or Chinese superintendents required.TheChprogress or development of each kindof work, evangelistic, educational or medical,in each station and for the mission as a whole, was shown bya system of curves indicating the development for the pastfifteen years. Several other similar devices were used tomake vivid actual conditions and the rate of progress. Inaddition to these charts and curves, several tables wereprepared: one showing for each station the number ofout-stations, the out-station work appropriations, the averagecost to the Board of out-stations, the number of proposednew out-stations required by the intensive policy in orderto work intensively the territory claimed and the estimatedcost of the new out-stations, also the increase in the foreignand Chinese evangelistic staff. Another table gives similarfacts regarding boys day schools both in the city and in theout-stations, the average cost to the mission, the number ofnew schools required, etc. In addition there was indicated

PROVINCIAL SURVEYS 435on the maps the number of new out-stations whicli must beopened if the territory now claimed and pre-empted is to beworked on an intensive basis.As a result ofdin partial survey somesfacts have been discovered of real importanceto the mission. It has been found that in order to workeffectively, o?a an intensive basis, the out-station territoryclaimed and already partially occupied and the portions ofthe station cities which fairly belong to us, it will benecessary, in addition to the thirty-nine out-stations alreadyoccupied, to open approximately thirty-nine new out-stationsin locations alread} agreed upon and indicated on the maps.It will be further necessary to open and conduct sixtyadditional boys day schools in our out-station work andfive in cities where work is carried on, with an increase incity evangelistic appropriations of $10,000 per year.These substantial increases required in our generalwork not including higher educational institutions may beindicated in percentages as follows : Increase ofOut-stationCityEvangelistic workand general evangelisticappropriation,work appropria100%tion 290%Out-station day schools appropriation 333%Boys higher primary school appropriation. ... 41%Boys academies appropriation 31%Total work appropriation, not counting highereducational institutions, and not countingwomen s work an increase of 85%Foreign staff 72%After bringing out these and other facts the committeesays:At this rate of increase 10% increase in work appropriation peryear and an increase in foreign staff equal to the average of the lastfew years or one and two-fifths families per year it will take sevenyears to reach an appropriation that will cover the new work asestimated above, namely Mex. $31,849, and it will take eleven yearsto secure the required foreign staff.Alternatives On the supposition that the estimates given areBefore the fairly correct, this means that the mission lias aMissionchoice between two alternatives.

PROVINCIAL SURVEYS 435on the maps the number of new out-stations whicli must beopened if the territory now claimed and pre-empted is to beworked on an intensive basis.As a result ofdin partial survey somesfacts have been discovered of real importanceto the mission. It has been found that in order to workeffectively, o?a an intensive basis, the out-station territoryclaimed and already partially occupied and the portions ofthe station cities which fairly belong to us, it will benecessary, in addition to the thirty-nine out-stations alreadyoccupied, to open approximately thirty-nine new out-stationsin locations alread} agreed upon and indicated on the maps.It will be further necessary to open and conduct sixtyadditional boys day schools in our out-station work andfive in cities where work is carried on, with an increase incity evangelistic appropriations of $10,000 per year.These substantial increases required in our generalwork not including higher educational institutions may beindicated in percentages as follows : Increase ofOut-stationCityEvangelistic workand general evangelisticappropriation,work appropria100%tion 290%Out-station day schools appropriation 333%Boys higher primary school appropriation. ... 41%Boys academies appropriation 31%Total work appropriation, not counting highereducational institutions, and not countingwomen s work an increase of 85%Foreign staff 72%After bringing out these and other facts the committeesays:At this rate of increase 10% increase in work appropriation peryear and an increase in foreign staff equal to the average of the lastfew years or one and two-fifths families per year it will take sevenyears to reach an appropriation that will cover the new work asestimated above, namely Mex. $31,849, and it will take eleven yearsto secure the required foreign staff.Alternatives On the supposition that the estimates given areBefore the fairly correct, this means that the mission lias aMissionchoice between two alternatives.

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