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PART VIIIMISCELLANEOUSCHAPTER XLIVPROVINCIAL SURVEYSI. THE BAPTIST SURVEY IN CHEKIANGJ. T. ProctorThe Northern Baptist Mission has liveOI , , /-NT -i XT r-11 TIntensive Policy stations in Chekiang Nmgpo, Shaohsmg,Kinhwa, Hangchow and Hucliow. In 1912the Baptist board in America adopted what is called theintensive policy. The meaning of this policy, in a nutshell,is to develop the work intensively and to limit the work inany given field, both in territory covered and in kinds ofwork attempted, to what can be supported by the board ina reasonably satisfactory manner.r^ie m issi n on thePolic Definedfield heartily adoptedby the Mission the intensive policy and defined it in a reportfrom which we quote:If we are not to be satisfied with a mere approximation to aminimum basis of efficiency but expect to work adequately on anintensive basis even a small field, it may be of only three or fourmain stations :The mission staff must be sufficiently large and strong:1 . To so occupy all the villages and country districts of the fieldwith evangelistic work that the w r ork of each out-station will easilydove-tail into that of all the surrounding out-stations, and the workof each main station will dovetail into that of the adjoining mainstations, so preventing insolation of groups. In this way the Chineseevangelists will be so located that effective team work will bepracticable, that the stronger men can help the weaker, and theinpetus and inspiration of success can be easily carried from onechapel to another, from one main station to another, and theChristians get the courage and inspiration which comes from a senseof numbers and from the opportunities of frequent regular andspecial meetings between neighbouring groups.

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