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430 OTHER INTERDENOMINATIONAL ASSOCIATIONSand quizzes. With the large number of well-posted andexperienced men one finds in the various larger centres inChina this can be done more thoroughly and in a morepractical way in the missionary training schools in Chinathan in those in Europe and America. Therefore thistraining of missionaries for their work might well occupy alarge part in the work of the school, and with carefulbalancing of the work this can be done. Language studywill, however, continue to occupy the principal place.H. THE NORTH CHINA UNION LANGUAGE SCHOOLManagementTlie North ^ llina Union Language Schoolis controlled and financed by a Board cornposedof representatives of the American Board Mission, theAmerican Presbyterian Mission, the American MethodistMission, the London Missionary Society and the YoungMen s Christian Association. It is the successor andout-growth of the school conducted by Dr. W. HopkyiiEees.Missions working in Chihli, Manchuria,Shantung, Honan, Shansi and Shensi provinces are now sending their new missionariesto the school. The enrollment during the past session wassixty-five.ofStodyThe school is planning a five years course,tlie later y ears f which will take only a partof the student s time. The work of the firstfifteen months is all required and includes no electives.After that time a wide range of electives is offered. It ismost advantageous that students should go to the school fortheir first work on the language instead of to their stations.Those who are not located in Peking are not advised tocontinue in the school longer than the first year, but to goto their stations and work there on the further sections ofthe course with their personal teachers, at the same timegetting acquainted with the personnel and problems of theirmissions. The school will conduct local examinations onthe advanced sections of the course, sending the examinationsto the various centres as is done with the Oxford locals.Missions which desire to have their students follow the

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