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""CHAPTERXLITHE CHINESE STUDENT VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT FORTHE MINISTRYW. B. PettusDuring the past year the Movement hasagain had the services of Rev.SecretariesDing Li-mei<and Rev. Wang Shan-cliih as travellingsecretaries. They have visited the Volunteer Bands andhave besides given much time to evangelistic work and tothe preparation of the literature of the Volunteer Movement.During the year under review Mr. Wang took part inevangelistic campaigns in Taiyiianfu and Tientsin, andMr. Ding in Hunan, Shantung, Fukien and Kvvangtungprovinces. They have visited 129 schools arid delivered 638addresses. They have also prepared the following bookswhich have been published by the Executive Committee:The Work of a Volunteer Band," Prayer Cycle of theStudent Volunteer Movement," The Problems of StudentsVolunteering for the Ministry and the Solution of theseProblems."A tentative list of the names of volunteerswil liave alreacly entered theological collegesor have begun the work of the ministry hasbeen prepared and is being sent out to the bands in orderthat itmay be fully corrected and brought up to date. Thislist at present includes more than 225 students who havealready entered theological colleges and more than 125 whohave begun the work of the ministry. There are now inChina fifty-two organized Student Volunteer Bands andfurther ten institutions in which there are groups ofvolunteers not yet organized in bands.The Executive Committee is securing from^ie ^ea(^s ^ ^ris^ 0118 and churches statementsStudents forthe Ministryin regard to the experience of these bodies insecuring, training, and retaining students in

STUDENT VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT 423the Christian ministry. There has been such a variety ofpolicies in regard to this question that the publication ofthese statements may be expected to be an important contribution to the development of the science of missions.In order that students may become intelli-^cnt a ^)OU cniH cli work and may make their!decisions in regard to their life-work on amore mature basis, the Volunteer Movement is doing all thatit can to promote the study of missions. The books whichare being recommended for this purpose are the China Continuation Committee s China Church Year Book, The Lives ofProminent Pastors, The Protestant Missions in China, Lectureson Modern Missions.

""CHAPTERXLITHE CHINESE STUDENT VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT FORTHE MINISTRYW. B. PettusDuring the past year the Movement hasagain had the services of Rev.SecretariesDing Li-mei<and Rev. Wang Shan-cliih as travellingsecretaries. They have visited the Volunteer Bands andhave besides given much time to evangelistic work and tothe preparation of the literature of the Volunteer Movement.During the year under review Mr. Wang took part inevangelistic campaigns in Taiyiianfu and Tientsin, andMr. Ding in Hunan, Shantung, Fukien and Kvvangtungprovinces. They have visited 129 schools arid delivered 638addresses. They have also prepared the following bookswhich have been published by the Executive Committee:The Work of a Volunteer Band," Prayer Cycle of theStudent Volunteer Movement," The Problems of StudentsVolunteering for the Ministry and the Solution of theseProblems."A tentative list of the names of volunteerswil liave alreacly entered theological collegesor have begun the work of the ministry hasbeen prepared and is being sent out to the bands in orderthat itmay be fully corrected and brought up to date. Thislist at present includes more than 225 students who havealready entered theological colleges and more than 125 whohave begun the work of the ministry. There are now inChina fifty-two organized Student Volunteer Bands andfurther ten institutions in which there are groups ofvolunteers not yet organized in bands.The Executive Committee is securing from^ie ^ea(^s ^ ^ris^ 0118 and churches statementsStudents forthe Ministryin regard to the experience of these bodies insecuring, training, and retaining students in

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