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418 OTHER INTERDENOMINATIONAL ASSOCIATIONSIII.NORTH-CHINA AMERICAN SCHOOLThe North-China American School is a union institutionfounded by the American Board, the Methodist EpiscopalBoard, and the Presbyterian Board for the children of theirmissionaries in the provinces of Chihli, Shantung andShansi. It offers its facilities also to other American andEuropean children.The school aims to prepare students to enter schoolsand colleges in America, and hopes to render unnecessarythe early separation of children from their parents. It isChristian but non-sectarian.The school is located at Tungchovv, about twelvemiles east of Peking, with which it is connected by threetrains per day each way. It is situated in the compound ofthe American Board with its beautiful and spacious groundsseventy acres in extent. A resident physician cares for thehealth of the community and the large staff of instructorsof the Union Medical College, Peking, can be called upon atshort notice for consultation and assistance in case ofemergency. There is abundant room for tennis, foot-ball,basket-ball, base-ball, hand-ball, field sports, gardening andother out-door activities.A substantial building has been erected on a plan thatallows for enlargement as conditions may demand. It iswell located as regards light and drainage, provides severalpleasant class rooms of various si/es, as well as bedroomsand dining rooms, and the stairway is fire-proof from topto bottom.The principal and matron of the school is Miss FloraBeard who came to North China after several years ofsuccessful work as teacher and principal in the publicschools of South Orange, New Jersey. Miss Beard alsoconducted a school for English-speaking children in Foochowbetween the years of 1905 and 1909. The associateteacher is Miss Mary L. Beard, who spent three years in theBlanchard-Gamble School, Santa Barbara, California, teaching science and mathematics, and four years in the MonticelloSeminary where she taught Physics, Chemistry,Botany, Zoology and Astronomy. The Misses Beard took up

SCHOOLS FOR MISSIONARIES CHILDREN 419their classes in China in September, 1914, in the temporaryschool quarters in Peking, and have won the confidence of awide circle of friends. The American community in Tungchowstands ready to assist in the instruction of the schoolas may be necessary.The course is planned to embrace the upper grammarschool grades and the complete high school work as soon aspracticable, including manual training for the boys anddomestic training for the girls. A course of study is heingmade out for the children in the primary school grades topursue in their homes before coming to the school.For admission to the school children must be at leasteight years of age; they must be of American or Europeanparentage, and of good moral character. In case ofinadequate accommodations, preference will be given to thechildren of the missions maintaining the school .For children of the contributing missions no charge ismade for tuition. For all other children, the tuition fee isMex. $100 a year. As the boarding department has notyet been established, the rates have not yet been fixed, butboard, rooms and washing are charged at cost, probably notexceeding Mex. $1.00 per day.IV. NANKING FOREIGN SCHOOLThe Foreign School in Nanking began in a smallgathering of three mothers and six children in the spring of1911, who decided, since each spent about two hours eachmorning teaching her own children that they would allthree meet and help each other in teaching all the children.Since then the School has grown steadily. A building hasbeen secured and a foreign teacher is engaged to give all histime to the school. In addition to this, teaching is done bythe mothers, nine of whom teach at present from half anhour to two hours a day. A gift of Mex. $1,000 wasbequeathed toward this building by Mrs. Frank Garrett, andby the generous help of others, a comfortable and permanenthome for the school has been provided.According to the present plan students will be carriedthrough all the grades up to college. The curriculum isbased on American college requirements. The conduct of

SCHOOLS FOR MISSIONARIES CHILDREN 419their classes in China in September, 1914, in the temporaryschool quarters in Peking, and have won the confidence of awide circle of friends. The American community in Tungchowstands ready to assist in the instruction of the schoolas may be necessary.The course is planned to embrace the upper grammarschool grades and the complete high school work as soon aspracticable, including manual training for the boys anddomestic training for the girls. A course of study is heingmade out for the children in the primary school grades topursue in their homes before coming to the school.For admission to the school children must be at leasteight years of age; they must be of American or Europeanparentage, and of good moral character. In case ofinadequate accommodations, preference will be given to thechildren of the missions maintaining the school .For children of the contributing missions no charge ismade for tuition. For all other children, the tuition fee isMex. $100 a year. As the boarding department has notyet been established, the rates have not yet been fixed, butboard, rooms and washing are charged at cost, probably notexceeding Mex. $1.00 per day.IV. NANKING FOREIGN SCHOOLThe Foreign School in Nanking began in a smallgathering of three mothers and six children in the spring of1911, who decided, since each spent about two hours eachmorning teaching her own children that they would allthree meet and help each other in teaching all the children.Since then the School has grown steadily. A building hasbeen secured and a foreign teacher is engaged to give all histime to the school. In addition to this, teaching is done bythe mothers, nine of whom teach at present from half anhour to two hours a day. A gift of Mex. $1,000 wasbequeathed toward this building by Mrs. Frank Garrett, andby the generous help of others, a comfortable and permanenthome for the school has been provided.According to the present plan students will be carriedthrough all the grades up to college. The curriculum isbased on American college requirements. The conduct of

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