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416 OTHER INTERDENOMINATIONAL ASSOCIATIONSattitude of confidence on the part of parents toward theinstitution, while the continued gains in the number ofsupporting- missions supplies hope for the future requirements of the School.The one most important need for the School at thistime, seems to be the attainment of its own plant groundswell situated, and buildings properly constructed. For thisthe Board proposes to use its best endeavour in prayer andwork until success is assured.The School has operated from the beginow,*j?,uing on the principle that the tuition chargesshould fall upon the societies co-operating inits support. To this end a graduated apportionment wasmade between the seven boards which there was reason toexpect might share the burden during the three years periodbeginning September 1, 1914. Six of these have now madeannual appropriations approximating this apportionmentand are contributing from Gold $1,000 to Gold $2,500 eachper year to the budget, the total grants for 1916 exceeding-Gold $9,000. The budget adopted for the year 1916-1917exceeds Mex. $40,000 and it is hoped that other societies whichare profiting as largely by the existence of the School as someof those now in the union will see their way clear to aparticipation in its support more nearly proportionate tothe cost of educating the children from their missions. Acommittee in America with representation from eachcontributing board is co-operating to this end and alsoassists in securing the members of the teaching staff, whichwas formerly accomplished through one of the members ofthe Board of Managers.P For the children of contributing missionsthe fee (for board only) is Mex. $225 peryear, and for day pupils Mex. $25 per year. For thechildren of non-contributing missions fees for board andtuition are Mex. $40 per month and day-pupils pay fromMex. $11 to $15 per month. For non-missionary boardersthe fee for board and tuition is Mex. $50 per month andday pupils pay from Mex. $12 to $17 per month.

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