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4.10 OTHER INTERDENOMINATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS2. Speaking the language under expert direction, usingtexts of connected discourse as basis.).Reading texts which have already been presented tothe ear without recourse to dictionary.-1.Writing the material already acquired, as a meansto aiding the memory.III.Recommendations.That the China Continuation Committee recommendfor the consideration of the training schools and themissions, the following, as a basis for linking up the workdone by students in the schools with their subsequent study :r In view of the fact that a studentCourses or ..., . .11Studyleaving the training school is required,under present conditions, to take up acourse of study not logically related to the one to whichhe has devoted his previous attention, and in view ofthe additional fact that the isolated student stands in needof special guidance and stimulus in his efforts to befaith ful and systematic in the pursuance of his linguisticstudies, we believe that steps should be taken by the trainingschools to provide further courses of study; and to this endwe recommend:1. That each training school outline a course of studyfor the further training of students who have passedthrough the training school. Such a course of study shouldcontain a percentage of required subjects to be taken by allwho follow the course, and a further, and possibly a larger,percentage of elective studies from which each student underthe advice of his mission may select such as he deems bestadapted to his individual requirements.2. That the course be based on the unit system,whereby a definite number of units covering certainspecified groups of subjects should be required for eachsuccessive section of the course.3. That examinations be conducted by the trainingschools at stated times and places. These should be madethe basis for reports on the standing of each student to themission with which he is connected.

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