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40() OTIlEli INTERDENOMINATIONAL ASSOCIATIONSand representative, monarchies absolute and Jimited, oligarchies in all of their varieties, express the same principlein human governments. It would be strange indeed, sincethe Author of the universe, physical, intellectual, spiritual,is also the Author of our religion, if the same great law werenot manifest in the churches of Jesus Christ in whosebosom is carried the germ of the Kingdom of God whichshall fillultimately the whole earth.The Methodist churches, bearing ever intheirFederationdeepest heart those principles of perfectlove toward God and man, find it natural totheir life and polity to put into tangible form the desire tohave an alliance offensive and defensive between themselvesand every other Church that exalts the name of JesusChrist. We have found in China a most fruitful field forsuch expression. We are to-day in. federation in the publication and sale of Christian literature and in higher educational work in various parts of China with ten of theProtestant Christian churches of the world. We havesought for federation upon such a basis that every Churchentering into this relation may by that be strengthened inthe extension of her ecclesiastical life, and may be so relatedto her sister churches in these various institutions as to contribute her life in the most effective form to the upbuildingof the Kingdom of God in those organisms. It is fondlybelieved,and the belief is strengthened by experience in theserelations, that such federation of the churches will tend tofoster in the various denominations those qualities of spiritual life and ecclesiastical polity best expressing the mind ofour Lord, and also to eradicate those prejudices and superstitions, thorns in the body of His flesh, which in the ageswhichpast have hindered the progress of the Kingdom forHe died. Tallest trees grow in mightiest forests; greatestpersonalities thrive in the midst of highest civilizations.That Church most nearly represents her Lord which lindsher greatest happiness and fittest expression in the qualityof service that elevates all the other members of theKingdom of God on earth.

CHAPTER XXXIXA YEAR S PROGRESS INTHE TRAINING OF MISSIONARIES ON THE FIELDF. RawlfnsonLast year it was reported that organizedwork for the training of missionaries wasbeing carried on in nine centres. AtChikungshan and Weihwei this work has been discontinued.The language classes at Foochow have been organized intoa school. There are thus now eight places where organizedwork for the training of missionaries is being conducted:Peking, Nanking, Canton, Yangchow, Foochow, Chengtu,Anking, Wuchang.At these eight centres 18!) missionaries have studiedthis past year. This is 2!) more than were reported a yearago. The emphasis in the work done is laid on the firstyear s course, though at Peking, Canton, Foochow andWuchang arrangements are made for those who reside inthese places to continue their study under the oversight ofthe school.^Directors Present there are four missionariesspecially set apart for the work of directingthe training of new missionaries, Rev. C. S. Keen, at Nanking, Miss M. Murray at Yangchow, Mr. A. Bland atAnkiiig, and Rev. L. P. Peet at Foochow.*There is nowProgress Madepractical unanimity in GreatBritain, America and China, that the studyof the vernacular should be left until after arrival on thefield. Definite progress has been made in the applicationof modern methods of study to the acquisition of the Chineselanguage by missionaries. This includes a certain amountof practical use of phonetics. At Nanking phonetic script* Since the above was written Mr. W. B. Pettus has accepted theDirectorship of the language school at 1 eking.

CHAPTER XXXIXA YEAR S PROGRESS INTHE TRAINING OF MISSIONARIES ON THE FIELDF. RawlfnsonLast year it was reported that organizedwork for the training of missionaries wasbeing carried on in nine centres. AtChikungshan and Weihwei this work has been discontinued.The language classes at Foochow have been organized intoa school. There are thus now eight places where organizedwork for the training of missionaries is being conducted:Peking, Nanking, Canton, Yangchow, Foochow, Chengtu,Anking, Wuchang.At these eight centres 18!) missionaries have studiedthis past year. This is 2!) more than were reported a yearago. The emphasis in the work done is laid on the firstyear s course, though at Peking, Canton, Foochow andWuchang arrangements are made for those who reside inthese places to continue their study under the oversight ofthe school.^Directors Present there are four missionariesspecially set apart for the work of directingthe training of new missionaries, Rev. C. S. Keen, at Nanking, Miss M. Murray at Yangchow, Mr. A. Bland atAnkiiig, and Rev. L. P. Peet at Foochow.*There is nowProgress Madepractical unanimity in GreatBritain, America and China, that the studyof the vernacular should be left until after arrival on thefield. Definite progress has been made in the applicationof modern methods of study to the acquisition of the Chineselanguage by missionaries. This includes a certain amountof practical use of phonetics. At Nanking phonetic script* Since the above was written Mr. W. B. Pettus has accepted theDirectorship of the language school at 1 eking.

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