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"UNION MOVEMENTS AMONG METHODISTS IN CHINA 403unmistakable tokens of grief. Almost immediately theleaders north and south engaged in intercessory prayer forthat union which is now so nearly consummated.In 1914 the Methoclist Church SouthRecentDevelopments adopted with practical unanimity a plan ofunion proposed by the Federated Councilcreated from the three Methodisms mentioned above. TheMethodist Protestant Church also adopted a plan of union.At the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopalmonth Church, held in1Saratoga Springs ,N. Y., in the ofMay 1916, they too adopted without dissenting voice andwith great enthusiasm the principle of organic union amongthese three branches of Methodism. Joint Commissionshave been appointed to work out the details. The GeneralConference of the Methodist Episcopal Church of 3916 hasadjourned subject to the call of the Board of Bishops atsuch time and place as shall be arranged by conferencewith I he other bodies in order that organic union byreorganization may be effected among these three greatMethodist bodies. We fondly hope and dare expect thatwithin thirty months these three long-severed branches of acommon faith shall be one in name, in doctrine, in spirit, inin in administration.purpose, polity,,great,, .The FutureIntowardtheunityatmosphere.and rememberingof these,movementstheachievements of the Methodisms of Canada in the samedirection, we confess to a comfortable assurance that theday is not distant when all of the Methodisms on the NorthAmerican continent together with their missions on othercontinents and many isles, shall feel the impact which comesfrom ecclesiastical response to the prayer of our Lord,"thatthey all may be one; as tliou, Father, art in me, andI in thee, that they also may be one in us : that the worldbelieve that thou;hast sent me.mayDivisive Forces in China^le oneNomenclatureoutstanding and unsolved problemin the Methodism of China is that of acommon name. As the various branches of the Churchhave been planted from different parts of the world and

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