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400 OTHER INTERDENOMINATIONAL ASSOCIATIONSstrongest proofs that God is leading us forward and that inthis unity in Christ lies the hope of Christianity of whichthe Committee affords a very concrete example in this land.The same can be said in regard toj er~ denominational*differences. TheiCommitteedenominational ,.Character affords a common meeting place where thosefrom different ecclesiastical families becomeacquainted and learn to respect and to love one anotherbetter. Membership on the Committee involves no surrenderof individual convictions. The Committee does not desireto encroach upon the sphere of the churches. It movesforward in the formulation of its opinions only in so far asthese opinions are practically unanimous, and no actionwould be likely to be passed against the protest of any ofthe Committee members. While this at times necessarilyinvolves slower progress than many, perhaps especially ofthe Chinese members, would like, it is the only way in whichreal progress towards a larger and more inclusive unity canbe made.The increasing love and mutual under-Chinesestanding between the Chinese and foreignmembers isForeignersundoubtedly the aspect of theCommittee s work for which its members aremost thankful. The Annual Meetings afford a uniqueopportunity, in the discussion of the great work to which allalike have dedicated their lives, for becoming acquainted.The frankness, the self-restraint, the courtesy, the faith inthe sincerity of others and the deference to those who holddifferent opinions, which have marked all the discussions,give cause for large hopefulness. The Christian Church inChina has advanced to the period of young manhood, andthere is need for the utmost tact and of mutual trust inthese years of co-operation between mission and Church,while the aiithority and leadership passes from the one tothe other. It is the hope of the members of the ContinuationCommittee that it may be able to assist both ChineseChristian leaders and missionaries during these critical yearsin the Church & life.

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