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392 OTHER INTERDENOMINATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS1. That as soon as possible, arrangements should be made forcarrying out the general survey of the present status of Christianeducational work in China, referred to in the Report of the ThirdAnnual Meeting of the China Continuation Committee._ . That the China Christian Educational Association be askedto reconsider the decision that the Advisory Council should meetbiennially. It would seem that it must be wise for the AdvisoryCouncil to meet whenever the Continuation Committee meets, sothat the China Continuation Committee may have the benefit of theresult of their deliberations, and also that the relationship of theAdvisory Council to the China Continuation Committee should beclearly defined in a statement to be approved jointly by the Counciland the Executive Committee of the China Continuation Committee.3. That the China Christian Educational Association be askedto consider the advantages of securing the services of an AssociateChinese General Secretary to act in co-operation with the foreignGeneral Secretary.4. That the China Christian Educational Association be asked tosee what steps can betaken inReview in Chinese.the way of publishing an EducationalMedical work was not considered at length in theAnnual Meeting but the report of the Executive Secretaryof the China Medical Missionary Association, Dr. Beebe,showed that important developments are taking place, bothin medical missions and in other circles as well as in theplans of the China Medical Board, which are bound toproduce great and we trust most beneficial changes in thenear future. The only resolution adopted by the AnnualMeeting was the following :While recognizing the great need of medical schools of thehighest standard and teaching in English, such as are planned by theChina Medical Board, the China Continuation Committee desires topoint out that there still continues to be an urgent need of Christianmedical practitioners trained in the vernacular for the relief of thesuffering multitudes in China.The China Continuation Committee therefore urges the continueddevelopment of missionary medical schools teaching in the vernacularand recommends the continued support of such schools by the variousboards and missions concerned, and refers this subject to the furtherconsideration of the China Medical Missionary Association,V. The OfficeMuch of the China Continuation Committee s successthus far, and of its promise for the future, lies in the vigour

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