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THE CHINA CONTINUATION COMMITTEE 08!)c. To continue the investigation of the status and methodsof developing self-support in other provinces, revising the presentquestionnaire if they find that desirable.The questions are :Meaning. What is meant when we speak of a self-supportingChurch ? Are school and other work included ?Hiwcess and Failure. Where has self-support been most successfully developed, and what are the secrets of that success ? Whathave been the difficulties that have prevented other churches frommaking more progress? What methods of soliciting, collecting,and accurate accounting of funds have proved successful ?Economic factor*. Is the measure of self-support attaineddetermined very largely by the economic status of the churchmembers? What bearing has the winning of entire families onprogress in self-support ?With, Reference to Church. Wor/jm. Do small salaries make selfsupporteasier ? Do large salaries hinder ? Does the source ofthe salary affect the question How ? is self-support effected bythe method of appointing workers to their places of work ?Self-government. Should self-government be in direct proportion to the measure of self-support ?Minion Fund*. What forms of mission expenditure retard selfsupport? Should mission appropriations be determined by thecontributions of the Chinese Church ? What is the effect of theuse of foreign money in the erection of church buildings ? Whatplans have been successfully employed to give the Chinese Churcha share in the administration of funds given by the missions ?Metliot.lx of Administration* Is it advisable to group stations forthe support of pastors ? Is the method of a diminishing grantadvisable ? Are central funds advisable ? Should the missionaccept responsibility for the development of indigenous resourcesby undertaking industrial and other forms of work with a view toassisting the Christians economically? Are these methods ofadministration important, or should all efforts be centred uponthe teaching of responsibility and the nurturing of spiritual life ?Is self-support largely a matter of training ?Other Question*. When and how can a church become selfsupporting: Should it be so from its ?beginning If not, howdetermine when ?What should be the relationship of the mission and the missionaries to a financially self-supporting church ?The Socialo P ChristianityThe resolutions adopted by the AnnualMeeting on the recommendation of the specialcommittee on the Social Application ofChristianity are as follow :

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