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384 OTHER INTERDENOMINATIONAL ASSOCIATIONSpresentation of specific needs of China and objects for prayer fordistribution among friends in other lands, and that the ways andmeans for doing so be left uith the committee to devise.4. That the Committee on the Promotion of Intercession shouldconfer with the representative in China of the Evangelical Allianceregarding a wider and more helpful observance of the UniversalWeek of Prayer throughout the Chinese Church and co-operate withthe Alliance to bring this about.The committee on this subject continued* ts stiu^ esEducationduring the year regarding thesecuring of better-trained men in the ministry.The need of such men is becoming increasingly felt by bothChinese and foreigners in view of the greater accessibility ofthe educated classes of the community. The committeereported a changing attitude towards the ministry amongcollege students and there is reason to hope that themissionary societies, who are undertaking to provide thetraining of such men, will be increasingly able to hold thebest type for this work. The committee is serving as a bondbetween those engaged in theological education in differentparts of the country, and placing the experience of eachinstitution at the service of the others.Much difficulty has been experienced inLiterature dealing with this subject. It has been hardto choose a committee that would be bothrepresentative and workable, while the subject itself bristleswith knotty problems. However, one of the sections intowhich the Annual Meeting of the Continuation Committeewas divided during the lirst afternoon of its session, tookup this subject, on which much preliminary work had beendone, (especially by Rev. W. Ilopkyn Rees, D.D.), andproposed resolutions which, after modification, were adoptedby the Annual Meeting, and mark substantial progress inseveral directions. The main resolutions as adopted arehere given:1. That the China Continuation Committee atiirms its convictionthat in order to secure more effective administration, closer co-ordination in the work of tract and literature societies should bo persistentlyaimed at.2. That the China Continuation Committee appoint a SpecialCommittee of Christian Literature to continue the study of this wholesubject, and to keep in close touch with the developments being made

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