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MacGillivray,3oO HTIIKIi INTERDENOMINATIONAL ASSOCIATIONSmodestly says thai the list can only be regarded as apreliminary attempt towards a more thorough study of thistype of Christian literature in the Chinese language. Thereis a statement regarding each book given in the list, as tothe title, both in English and Chinese, the names of theauthor, translator and publisher, the, price, style of bindingand literary style, number of pages, together with asummary of the general subject matter of the book. Thelist is classified under four main divisions: Hible Study,Devotion, Fundamental Truths and Apologetics.II. A Statement Regarding Christianity in China During theManchu Dynasty, for the Official HistoriographersAt its meeting in April I!)irj the Executive was7informed by the Secretaries that the Board in Peking, whichis preparing the History of the ( Mi ing Dynasty, was desirousof having an outline of the history of missionary work inChina, and that the early preparation of such an outlinewas necessary; that an emergency meeting of the membersof the China Continuation Committee residing in Shanghai,had been held, and that the following resolutions had beenpassed :1. That \\e recommend tin- China Continuation Committee toundertake the preparation of such an outline of the History ofMissionary Work in China (not including the work of the K omanCatholic and Greek Church Missions)as may he suitable for the Hoardof I lislorians._ . That the outline he prepared first of all in Knglish andsubmitted in that form to a small company of assessors. Whenapproved in that, form it shall be translated into Chinese.. {. That Uev. I>. be asked to I >.!>., prepare theoutline in Knglish, and Rev. Arthur H. Smith, D-D., l\cv. GeorgeDouglas, M.A., and lit. Rev. F..R. Graves, D.I). ,act as assessors.I. That Mr. Zia Hong-lai be asked to prepare a Chinesetranslation of the outline, and that Messrs. Ch enOh uen-Hheng, VanTsi-mei, Hwang Chi-chi and Rev. V.Y. Tsu, Ph. I)., be invited to actas assessors of the ( binese translation.5. That Dr. MacGillivray he asked to act as convener for bothcompanies of assessors to see that so soon as the statement is ready,it be forwarded to the Hoard in Peking.().That, should it be necessary for either body of assessors toappeal for further guidance on any detail, the Chairman beauthorized to decide the matter.

FeetTHE CHINA CONTINUATION COMMITTEE 381This action of the Emergency Meeting was approvedby the Executive and on .April {Oth, 1015 adopted by theAnnual"A irig of the China Continuation Committee.The Annual Meeting of 1016 was informed that theHistorical Statement thus provided for had been prepared,submitted to the assessors, and forwarded by the ChineseSecretary to Peking. The promptness, thoroughness aridcarefulness with which this work has been carried out is anillustration of "thepeculiar service which the ChinaContinuation Committee can render to th<- wholeChristian work in China.III. The Special Committees<-jmse ofThe- China Continuation Committee has passeditspreliminary stages, having had sufficient trial to evoke aconsiderable amount of confidence and expectancy. It isexpected to be true to its purpose, and so to hecorri*- apractically constant arid continuous conference of theChristian forces of China. This is the main aspect of itswork, arid is accomplished largely through its specialcommittees. Much time find energy are spent in choosing thechairmen and members of these special committees, whichmust be representative, as far as practicable, of those chieflyconcerned in the several subjects dealt with, arid must be notonly competent and eager to deal with their subjects, butalso able to meet occasionally and do their work withoutundue expenditure of time, energy and money.The fact that there are thirteen special committees,(beside the China Christian Education Association and theChina Medical Missionary Association, both of which areclosely connected with the China Continuation Committee,and which deal with educational and medical subjects relatedto the missions and the churches), indicates in part the varietyand extent of this Committee s work. The reports of thespecial committees on the Forward Evangelistic Move-tne/ntand on the Training of Missionaries, are published in part

FeetTHE CHINA CONTINUATION COMMITTEE 381This action of the Emergency Meeting was approvedby the Executive and on .April {Oth, 1015 adopted by theAnnual"A irig of the China Continuation Committee.The Annual Meeting of 1016 was informed that theHistorical Statement thus provided for had been prepared,submitted to the assessors, and forwarded by the ChineseSecretary to Peking. The promptness, thoroughness aridcarefulness with which this work has been carried out is anillustration of "thepeculiar service which the ChinaContinuation Committee can render to th<- wholeChristian work in China.III. The Special Committees<-jmse ofThe- China Continuation Committee has passeditspreliminary stages, having had sufficient trial to evoke aconsiderable amount of confidence and expectancy. It isexpected to be true to its purpose, and so to hecorri*- apractically constant arid continuous conference of theChristian forces of China. This is the main aspect of itswork, arid is accomplished largely through its specialcommittees. Much time find energy are spent in choosing thechairmen and members of these special committees, whichmust be representative, as far as practicable, of those chieflyconcerned in the several subjects dealt with, arid must be notonly competent and eager to deal with their subjects, butalso able to meet occasionally and do their work withoutundue expenditure of time, energy and money.The fact that there are thirteen special committees,(beside the China Christian Education Association and theChina Medical Missionary Association, both of which areclosely connected with the China Continuation Committee,and which deal with educational and medical subjects relatedto the missions and the churches), indicates in part the varietyand extent of this Committee s work. The reports of thespecial committees on the Forward Evangelistic Move-tne/ntand on the Training of Missionaries, are published in part

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