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376 CHRISTIAN LITERATUREThe following incident which is taken fromFinancial the Report of the Religious Tract Society ofband Centralf riact ^orth cllina wel1 illustrates theaSocietiesims an(^ ambitions of the tract societies inChina.Not lonji- ap>a firm of merchants with whom an order had beenplaced by the Society enquired of our bankers in Hankow what ourfinancial standing was. One of the staff of the Hank asked forinformation about the Society s methods of business so that lie uiijihtanswer the queries. He was told that the only fixed principle was tosell evangelical literature under cost price, if need be, in order to o^-ii(widely circulated, with the result that the larger the sales, thelarger the loss. He thought that this information inijrht not encourage a linn to jrive us credit. Perhaps would it not. But surelyit will encourage the people who are interested in the salvation<>f(Jodof China s vast rural populations to entrust us with the stewardshipof monies for the furtherance of this jrreat and ulorious work.

PARTVIIOTHER INTERDENOMINATIONALASSOCIATIONSCHAPTER XXXVIITHIRD YEAR OF THE CHINA CONTINUATION COMMITTEEL. H. RootsI. PublicationsThe first issue of the China Church YearThe China/)W.appeare( 1J in the au tumn of 1!)14. ThisCnufch .,Year Book was immediately recognized as a long step inadvance for the large and varied forces inChina, whose work hitherto had never been described in theChinese language with such authoritative detail, and all inone volume. The second issue appeared in November, 1915.The Chinese Secretary, Rev. C. V. Cheng, served as editor.The book is one of which the Committee may well feelproud. It is greatly improved in appearance, larger insize than last year s book, and sells for the very low price offorty cents, bound in paper, and fifty rents, bound in cloth-The lirst edition of two thousand copies was soon exhausted,and a further thousand copies have been printed and arenow for sale by the Commercial Press.This book should have a far larger sale than it has sofar had. No other single volume in Chinese sheds so muchlight on the vigour, variety and momentum of Christianwork in China. As an. encouragement to Chinese workers,and as an apologetic for intelligent enquirers its value isunique. While the largest use of the book will naturally beamong the Chinese, it is safe to say that the foreign missionary will find in this volume more than in any otherplace, the light he seeks on modern Chinese ChristianA 47

PARTVIIOTHER INTERDENOMINATIONALASSOCIATIONSCHAPTER XXXVIITHIRD YEAR OF THE CHINA CONTINUATION COMMITTEEL. H. RootsI. PublicationsThe first issue of the China Church YearThe China/)W.appeare( 1J in the au tumn of 1!)14. ThisCnufch .,Year Book was immediately recognized as a long step inadvance for the large and varied forces inChina, whose work hitherto had never been described in theChinese language with such authoritative detail, and all inone volume. The second issue appeared in November, 1915.The Chinese Secretary, Rev. C. V. Cheng, served as editor.The book is one of which the Committee may well feelproud. It is greatly improved in appearance, larger insize than last year s book, and sells for the very low price offorty cents, bound in paper, and fifty rents, bound in cloth-The lirst edition of two thousand copies was soon exhausted,and a further thousand copies have been printed and arenow for sale by the Commercial Press.This book should have a far larger sale than it has sofar had. No other single volume in Chinese sheds so muchlight on the vigour, variety and momentum of Christianwork in China. As an. encouragement to Chinese workers,and as an apologetic for intelligent enquirers its value isunique. While the largest use of the book will naturally beamong the Chinese, it is safe to say that the foreign missionary will find in this volume more than in any otherplace, the light he seeks on modern Chinese ChristianA 47

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