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372 CHRISTIAN LITERATURE4. References for the Wenli Bible, Delegates Version.This difficult work has been completed and published.5. References for tlic Mandarin \ew Testament, UnionVersion. Considerable progress has been made in preparingthe completed manuscripts for publication, and the volumebe issued at the end of 191(5.may6. Mandarin Psalms, Union Version, in Braille. MissGarland has prepared the Mandarin Psalms, Union Version,in Braille. The work has been checked by Miss Vasel andthe sheets forwarded to London for stereotyping and printing. The Gospels of Matthew and Mark and the Acts inBraille have been issued.7. Canton New Testament iii Braille. (British andForeign Bible Society).The manuscripts for Acts have been forwarded toLondon for printing.8. Jfakbi Old Testament. (British and Foreign BibleSociety).This translation was completed by Rev. Otto Schult/eand will be published at an early date.Circulationand StaffsThe American Bible Society,Rev. J. H. Hykes, D.D., AgentH thlt x Ttxtuiiientx / mliniix I olal1015 17,100 67,976 2,150,580 2,244,7461014 12,213 57,030 1,003,310 1,073,453Increase 4,077 10,046 256,270 271,203The circulation for 1015 is the largest on record. Itis gratifying that the highest point was attained in the lastyear of the Society s Century.The grand total since the founding of the Agency in1875 has now reached 20,016,061 volumes, Bibles, Testaments and portions.The Society had on its staff on the field during 1915eight foreign superintendents who directed the efforts of sixhundred and thirty-nine other workers, most of whom weresubsidized colporteurs.

BIBLE AND T1IACT SOCIETIES 373The British and Foreign Bible Society, Mr. T. D. Begg, Acting AgentHihlux T&staments Poitionx Total,1914 20,663 56,657 2,582,519 2,659,8391915 20,421 45,185 2,305,800 2,371,406Decrease 212 11,472 276,719 287,433The Society had twelve foreign and four hundred andforty -seven Chinese workers on its staff during 1915.National Bible Society of Scotland(Extracts from Annual Krport)Central Agency, 30.1 2,695 184,013 187,069Northern Agency, 161 8,931 781,931 790,483Southern Agency, 100 2,020 162,15:] 164,273Eastern Agency, 199 1,511 312,155 313,865Western Agency, 220 3,819 167,160 171,1991,041 18,976 1,606,872 1,626,889There was the substantial increase of 109,121 over thecirculation of 1914.The Society s six agents are resident at Hankow,Tientsin, Chinkiang and Chungking; the Ainoy Agency, inthe meantime, being supervised from Hankow; and twohundred and twenty-one Chinese colporteurs were employedin the work of Scripture distribution.The Society s Printing Press atfrom whenceHankow,all its Chinese Scriptures are issued, has, during the year,added a new double royal machine to its plant. It nowpossesses live of these machines, besides smaller ones forthree-colour work, etc. Its foundry is well equipped fortype-casting, stereotyping and electrotyping. The increasedcost of paper and the difficulty of obtaining it have causedserious problems, but, in spite of this, the total output ofScriptures amounted to 1,753,607, an increase of 238,353over the previous year.

BIBLE AND T1IACT SOCIETIES 373The British and Foreign Bible Society, Mr. T. D. Begg, Acting AgentHihlux T&staments Poitionx Total,1914 20,663 56,657 2,582,519 2,659,8391915 20,421 45,185 2,305,800 2,371,406Decrease 212 11,472 276,719 287,433The Society had twelve foreign and four hundred andforty -seven Chinese workers on its staff during 1915.National Bible Society of Scotland(Extracts from Annual Krport)Central Agency, 30.1 2,695 184,013 187,069Northern Agency, 161 8,931 781,931 790,483Southern Agency, 100 2,020 162,15:] 164,273Eastern Agency, 199 1,511 312,155 313,865Western Agency, 220 3,819 167,160 171,1991,041 18,976 1,606,872 1,626,889There was the substantial increase of 109,121 over thecirculation of 1914.The Society s six agents are resident at Hankow,Tientsin, Chinkiang and Chungking; the Ainoy Agency, inthe meantime, being supervised from Hankow; and twohundred and twenty-one Chinese colporteurs were employedin the work of Scripture distribution.The Society s Printing Press atfrom whenceHankow,all its Chinese Scriptures are issued, has, during the year,added a new double royal machine to its plant. It nowpossesses live of these machines, besides smaller ones forthree-colour work, etc. Its foundry is well equipped fortype-casting, stereotyping and electrotyping. The increasedcost of paper and the difficulty of obtaining it have causedserious problems, but, in spite of this, the total output ofScriptures amounted to 1,753,607, an increase of 238,353over the previous year.

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