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"366 CHRISTIAN LITERATUREPublications of the Mission Book Company andof the Chinese Tract Society1 ^ M Old Testament History Bishop McCarthyPeep of Day W. C. BurnsaE Preparation for the Kingdom Rev. F. L. HawksPott, D.D.iJH If ^IH street Chapel Pulpit Rev. L. C. DuBoseis & ^ Harmony of the Gospels Rev. II. W. Luce*& if P& $3 H Parables of Christ Rev. F. L. Hawks Pott, D.D.iH! iH 15 o& Preparation and Delivery of Sermons Rev. R. T.Bryan, D.D.$C i& & $: Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation Rev. Win.Hayes, D.D.ft ^1 A v Short Steps to Great Truths Rev P. F. Price, D.D.^T H $J 1$ ^ Scripture Catechisms Rev. P. F. Price, D.D.TractsM 1^ R T^ Direct Gospel Talks Series .1. Vale and Hsii Wei-chi$h $t J& fa *JI Anti-Superstition Series.). Vale8r *t ^? t B Y Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them Miss GarlandMiss GarlandM ^ jE it Elementary TruthsH ft K W Good WordsC. II. Judd Esq.5l "fe If ^. Familiar Words Series Rev. Henry Price, D.D.H Ig A. B. C. Tractlets Rev. Henry Price D.D.W RP 15 Brave Deeds Series J. Vale and Hsii Wei-chi*n ^ $. Sim { )le Bible Stories J. ValePrize Tracts I Series Rev. Yu Ts-hyiangII Series J. N. Case, M.D.Ill Series Ching Tseng-sengPublications of the National Committee of theYoung Men s Christian Associations of ChinaBooksS $5 81 $i Introduction to Bible Study II. L. Zia^ ^tfc ^ ^f ^ Foundation Truths of the Christian Re^W. W. Lock woodligion?g ^ ^ H Character of Jesus H. L. ZiaS SI $* fe Outlines of the Life of Jesus H. L. Zia$t $] jK ^ Secret of Achievement 0. S. Harden*&iRfct HRi!F;#f$fe Social Service R. M. Herseyf6, ^ It ^ Consumption, Its Nature, Prevention & Cure H. L.Zia?ti if ^ How to Keep Healthy H. L. Zia^ ^ IS & Calisthenie Drills .1. H. Crocker(%**$$ s ) (H E ^ IS) (W * ft )Sex Education Series(No. 1,. 1C, & HI) Dr. W. S. Hall

Wi&"BEST SELLING BOOKS 367TractsNo. 3. J | tfj ^ A The Model Soldier H. L. Zia4. ^ >&8. & "IfH tJJ 141 What Christianity Can Do for ChinaH. I,. Zia* If The, Essence of Christianity H. L Zia11. |fc lii M !&: The True Patriotism Onyang Hsn-t e12. # if Ift The Existence of God H. L. Zia14. it ^ tit ^ 5f4 ^ Relation of Science and ReligionH. L. Zia.17. ^^tfc^1ii:|M*J^$C Christianity a World ReligionT. H. Kaiintr18. Iff |$C ^ !; <?$C 5J- Tlie Distinction Between ConVan Tfucianism & Christianity19. ^E fffi ^f* ? Immortality of the Sonl H. L Zia24. A E 18 & The Trae Conception of Life H. L. ZiaAll these Tracts are single sheet of 4 pages.The foregoing reports on the best selling books havebeen furnished by the various societies, and are booksactually out of the press. The best seller of the year is notincluded, because, strange to say, it is not yet out. Werefer to the Hastings Bible Dictionary now being printed bythe Christian Literature Society. The book is a large octavoof some 900 pages. In response to the prospectus and anoffer of the book at a favourable rate for advanced orders,over 4000 copies were applied for. The unexpected successof the volume is one of the brightest spots in the history ofthe year, and shows that the Chinese Church isready toappreciate a work of this kind, and is especially eager toobtain light on Bible topics. There are certain other bookspublished by individuals, not by societies, which in somecases probably sell well. Some we know are popular, e.g.,"Miss White s Five Calls & in which she enjoyedthe collaboration of Mr. Ch en Ch uen-sheng. Other booksby the latter are also popular.Effect ofRemarksThe effect of the European War on circula-j on jias |3een 7 oacj Missionaries compelled toeconomize are naturally not so free in ordering books upon which there is sure to be a loss. As themajority of societies do not provide money for our books,

Wi&"BEST SELLING BOOKS 367TractsNo. 3. J | tfj ^ A The Model Soldier H. L. Zia4. ^ >&8. & "IfH tJJ 141 What Christianity Can Do for ChinaH. I,. Zia* If The, Essence of Christianity H. L Zia11. |fc lii M !&: The True Patriotism Onyang Hsn-t e12. # if Ift The Existence of God H. L. Zia14. it ^ tit ^ 5f4 ^ Relation of Science and ReligionH. L. Zia.17. ^^tfc^1ii:|M*J^$C Christianity a World ReligionT. H. Kaiintr18. Iff |$C ^ !; <?$C 5J- Tlie Distinction Between ConVan Tfucianism & Christianity19. ^E fffi ^f* ? Immortality of the Sonl H. L Zia24. A E 18 & The Trae Conception of Life H. L. ZiaAll these Tracts are single sheet of 4 pages.The foregoing reports on the best selling books havebeen furnished by the various societies, and are booksactually out of the press. The best seller of the year is notincluded, because, strange to say, it is not yet out. Werefer to the Hastings Bible Dictionary now being printed bythe Christian Literature Society. The book is a large octavoof some 900 pages. In response to the prospectus and anoffer of the book at a favourable rate for advanced orders,over 4000 copies were applied for. The unexpected successof the volume is one of the brightest spots in the history ofthe year, and shows that the Chinese Church isready toappreciate a work of this kind, and is especially eager toobtain light on Bible topics. There are certain other bookspublished by individuals, not by societies, which in somecases probably sell well. Some we know are popular, e.g.,"Miss White s Five Calls & in which she enjoyedthe collaboration of Mr. Ch en Ch uen-sheng. Other booksby the latter are also popular.Effect ofRemarksThe effect of the European War on circula-j on jias |3een 7 oacj Missionaries compelled toeconomize are naturally not so free in ordering books upon which there is sure to be a loss. As themajority of societies do not provide money for our books,

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