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"366 CHRISTIAN LITERATUREPublications of the Mission Book Company andof the Chinese Tract Society1 ^ M Old Testament History Bishop McCarthyPeep of Day W. C. BurnsaE Preparation for the Kingdom Rev. F. L. HawksPott, D.D.iJH If ^IH street Chapel Pulpit Rev. L. C. DuBoseis & ^ Harmony of the Gospels Rev. II. W. Luce*& if P& $3 H Parables of Christ Rev. F. L. Hawks Pott, D.D.iH! iH 15 o& Preparation and Delivery of Sermons Rev. R. T.Bryan, D.D.$C i& & $: Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation Rev. Win.Hayes, D.D.ft ^1 A v Short Steps to Great Truths Rev P. F. Price, D.D.^T H $J 1$ ^ Scripture Catechisms Rev. P. F. Price, D.D.TractsM 1^ R T^ Direct Gospel Talks Series .1. Vale and Hsii Wei-chi$h $t J& fa *JI Anti-Superstition Series.). Vale8r *t ^? t B Y Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them Miss GarlandMiss GarlandM ^ jE it Elementary TruthsH ft K W Good WordsC. II. Judd Esq.5l "fe If ^. Familiar Words Series Rev. Henry Price, D.D.H Ig A. B. C. Tractlets Rev. Henry Price D.D.W RP 15 Brave Deeds Series J. Vale and Hsii Wei-chi*n ^ $. Sim { )le Bible Stories J. ValePrize Tracts I Series Rev. Yu Ts-hyiangII Series J. N. Case, M.D.Ill Series Ching Tseng-sengPublications of the National Committee of theYoung Men s Christian Associations of ChinaBooksS $5 81 $i Introduction to Bible Study II. L. Zia^ ^tfc ^ ^f ^ Foundation Truths of the Christian Re^W. W. Lock woodligion?g ^ ^ H Character of Jesus H. L. ZiaS SI $* fe Outlines of the Life of Jesus H. L. Zia$t $] jK ^ Secret of Achievement 0. S. Harden*&iRfct HRi!F;#f$fe Social Service R. M. Herseyf6, ^ It ^ Consumption, Its Nature, Prevention & Cure H. L.Zia?ti if ^ How to Keep Healthy H. L. Zia^ ^ IS & Calisthenie Drills .1. H. Crocker(%**$$ s ) (H E ^ IS) (W * ft )Sex Education Series(No. 1,. 1C, & HI) Dr. W. S. Hall

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