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360 CHRISTIAN LITERATUREa number of large centres. lie would urge upon missionaries and missionary boards the importance of the wholequestion at this critical juncture in the history of this greatland. This branch of Christian effort should no longer beForced to remain in the outer court of the Temple, but bewelcomed to a corner near the fireplace, to be regarded notas an interloper but as a child beloved. Christian literatureis an integral part of the Church s work in China, andshould be so treated with ample provision and wise prevision.

CHAPTER XXXIVFINDINGS REGARDING CHINESE EVANGELISTICLITERATUREC Y. Cheng(At the request of the China Continuation Committee Rev. C. V.Cheng made a study of existing Christian literature suitable forevangelistic purposes, and for the nurture of the spiritual life ofChristians. The results are embodied in a list of four hundredbooks and tracts selected from twelve hundred. This list is beingprinted with the reviewer s comments, by the Mission Book Company,Shanghai. Kd. )The present evangelistic opportunity inNeededChina calls for the mini stry of the printedpage to do a much greater service than in thepast. More literature along the following lines should bewritten or translated in a forceful and clear style, withan eastern colouring, for both the better and less welleducatedclasses.1. Books that give the positive positions of theChristian religion, stating what Christianity stands for,and what are its essential and fundamental teachings.2. Bible study text-books, which while giving theessential points and central themes of the teaching of theBible should lead the students to search, and to think forthemselves as well.o. Apologetic books that discuss* the religious difficulties that men find in accepting Christianity; and booksof testimony given by those who have personally experiencedthe reality and the power of Christianity.4. Books on the nurture of the Christian life, writtenin a practical and constructive manner; books dealing withproblems that touch the Christian in his daily walk of life.Applied Christianity is essential to a practical people.A word withLiterary Styleregard to the literary styleof evangelistic literature. There is a literarystyle in both Wenli and Kuanhua. While books in aclassical style are suitable for the better educated classes,A 45

360 CHRISTIAN LITERATUREa number of large centres. lie would urge upon missionaries and missionary boards the importance of the wholequestion at this critical juncture in the history of this greatland. This branch of Christian effort should no longer beForced to remain in the outer court of the Temple, but bewelcomed to a corner near the fireplace, to be regarded notas an interloper but as a child beloved. Christian literatureis an integral part of the Church s work in China, andshould be so treated with ample provision and wise prevision.

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