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356 CHRISTIAN LITERATUREit is estimated that not more than one per cent is devoted tothis branch, exclusive of salaries. It seems as if the arrayof the Lord must not only fight its battles against stronglyentrenched foes, but must also provide most of the armament of their warfare in the way of literature, except forthe work of the Bible societies. The base of supplies, andthe munitions department, have not yet realized the tremendous importance of providing adequate supplies for this armof the service royal.ProductionChristian literature, in almost every department,isdeplorably insufficient, and, in many cases, inefficient.There is a growing demand for more, and for better, booksand tracts. It is undeniable that quite a number of such,which did good service in other days, are today obsolete.Many of them should be decently buried, without tears orceremony, and others should be revised and brought up-todate.On all hands one is nssured that such works do harmto the cause of Christ today.Books Urgently There is urgent need at present for theNeededfollowing, among others :Standard Theological Text-books.A series of commentaries on the Bible, specially on theNew Testament and selected portions of the Old Testament.These should be scholarly, brief and suggestive, preparedfor Chinese, utilizing Chinese illustrations, &c.Books on Christianity and social service.Books on apologetics, written to meet the insidiousincoming of vicious propaganda by materialists andsceptics.Devotional books for the young and women of thechurches.Books on the religions, ethics and philosophy ofChina.Story books for pupils in the schools and colleges, tocounteract the evil effects of novels of a prurient kind whichare bought by the tens of thousands.The spiritual biographies of Chinese Christians.A history of the Christian Church in China.

PRESENT DAY PROBLEMS 357There is lack of Chinese colouring iu manyTllis is ^cause tneyljooks aild tmcts issued -are too largely the work of foreigners. Iflarger representation were allowed to Chinese leaders, bothin the administration and on the staff of the existing societies,this would be repaired. The National Committee of theYoung Men s Christian Association seems to be the chief onethat has given definite thought and shape to the desire formore Chinese writers; one or two other societies are doingsomething along these lines, but to produce better literaturewe must seek out and employ more Chinese writers ofundoubted worth and ability. What has been done by Dr.Jackson in Wuchang, and Dr. Chambers and Mr. Speicherin Canton, is sufficient proof that this is possible anddesirable.There are a number of missionaries andChinese who could make valuable contriburterstions by writing books, if provision couldbe made to release them for stated periodsfor this purpose, and assisting them to give unfettered timeto it. Men and women who have had special experiences instated efforts, should be enlisted to write of their experiencesand views.. Messages of deep import, born of their intimatetouch with special classes, needs, or conditions, should comefrom all these if facilities were afforded them.By scholarships in colleges there would beopportunities for developing the gifts ofClasses"^ t{Chinese for lucid writing. Literatureclasses" should form a part of the curricula of the moreadvanced collegesȦdefinite and scientific survey of allD siVabfexisting literature should be carried out byan impartial and representatiA e body offoreigners and Chinese. The result would be invaluable,for a catalogue thus prepared would remove the ignorancenow existing, and be a guide to all purchasers. It wouldalso aid materially in giving suggestions as to what is stilllacking. This catalogue should be topical, with explanatorynotes, catering for all classes, and giving details of price,form, place of issue, etc.

356 CHRISTIAN LITERATUREit is estimated that not more than one per cent is devoted tothis branch, exclusive of salaries. It seems as if the arrayof the Lord must not only fight its battles against stronglyentrenched foes, but must also provide most of the armament of their warfare in the way of literature, except forthe work of the Bible societies. The base of supplies, andthe munitions department, have not yet realized the tremendous importance of providing adequate supplies for this armof the service royal.ProductionChristian literature, in almost every department,isdeplorably insufficient, and, in many cases, inefficient.There is a growing demand for more, and for better, booksand tracts. It is undeniable that quite a number of such,which did good service in other days, are today obsolete.Many of them should be decently buried, without tears orceremony, and others should be revised and brought up-todate.On all hands one is nssured that such works do harmto the cause of Christ today.Books Urgently There is urgent need at present for theNeededfollowing, among others :Standard Theological Text-books.A series of commentaries on the Bible, specially on theNew Testament and selected portions of the Old Testament.These should be scholarly, brief and suggestive, preparedfor Chinese, utilizing Chinese illustrations, &c.Books on Christianity and social service.Books on apologetics, written to meet the insidiousincoming of vicious propaganda by materialists andsceptics.Devotional books for the young and women of thechurches.Books on the religions, ethics and philosophy ofChina.Story books for pupils in the schools and colleges, tocounteract the evil effects of novels of a prurient kind whichare bought by the tens of thousands.The spiritual biographies of Chinese Christians.A history of the Christian Church in China.

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