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350 CHRISTIAN LITERATUREschools have been opened in various parts cf the countryfor the teaching of the written language by this method,and the course can be finished in a brief period of half ayear or so. Several hundred students have already beengraduated from these schools. In many waysit seems tobe a more practical and more satisfactory method than theinvention of some new script. When one is able to readthese six hundred characters it is an easy thing to learnmore later on. We think Prof. Tong has made a real contribution to China in general, and to the Christian (Mm rollin particular in this work.XI. The Young Men s Christian Association Lecture DepartmentFor popular education, the work of the LectureDepartment of the National Committee of the Young Men sChristian Associations of China is worth}- of specialmention. Under the able leadership of Mr. David A. T \\ Yui,M.A., this branch of Christian service has been veryeffectively carried on. The lectures on education, science,health and forestry are greatly admired and appreciatedby those who hear them. We understand that Prof. C.IT.Robertson is working out a series of lectures on religionwhich will be given in a similarly demonstrated manner.\Ye sincerely wish these lectures and lecturers, Mr. DavidZ. T. Yui, Prof. C.II. Robertson, Mr. D.Y. Lin (^ it IS),Dr. W.W. Peter and others, every success in their splendidwork for the public.XII. New ConvertsSeveral men of public note have received baptism andjoined the Christian Church recently. We welcome them,and rejoice with them in their salvation. But let a wordof explanation be given here. The recording of accessions tothe Church of prominent personsis not in the leastprompted by the idea of making a social distinction in theChristian Church, which stands for spiritual equality anduniversal brotherhood. Indeed this word of caution shouldbe emphasized strongly in all the missions and churchesthroughout the land, as there is some danger lest such

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