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38 CHRISTIAN LITERATUREreaders. After much debate and discussion with aChristian preacher on religious differences the well-knownAhn.ng [faj $f (abbot) of a leading Mohammedan mosque inPeking invited the preacher and the officers of theevangelistic band to attend the celebration of Mohammed sbirthday. This is a somewhat unusual mark of friendliness.In Ibingchow a chief Buddhist rSudonists priest.i i ji i r- AIbecame so interested in the work ot theYoung Men s Christian Association there, that he made adonation of twenty dollars to the work of this Association.In Manchuria, a Buddhist priest passed himself off asthe representative of the Rev. Yii Kuo-chen (fft jil %() of theShanghai Independent Church, and said that he was sent byMr. Yii to work among his fellow priests.In a certain Buddhist magazine Christianity wasindirectly attacked in the form of a comparison to showwherein Buddhism is superior to Christianity. This attackwas directed more particularly against the religious viewsand practices of Roman Catholics than those of Protestants.An able reply appeared somewhat later in another periodical.VIIL The Flood in CantonThe flood in Canton afforded the Christian Church anexcellent opportunity for doing Christ-like acts of charity.The churches, colleges, hospitals. Young Men s ChristianAssociation, the Mutual Improvement Society and otherbodies all took an active part in relieving the suffering ones-The Tung Hua (j|{ ^|) hospital is reported to have collected$542.200. The workers were divided in some twentygroups, and each group had distributed a great quantity ofrice to the sufferers (from 8,000 to 25,000 Chinese pounds).Similar work was done in the province of Honan and otherplaces.IX, The Ministry of Education and Christian SchoolsThe seven rules that have been adopted bythc Ministvy of Education in Peking regard-MfSion Schools m g the recognition of Christian primaryschools have been criticized and opposed by

THE CHURCH IN CHINESE CHRISTIAN PERIODICALS 349not a few Christian writers. These rules if carried outwould place the mission or church schools in a ratherdifficult position. They are as follows :1. No name of mission or church should be attached to thename of the school.2. The school ground should be separated from that of themission or church.3. The support of the school should not be considered as comingfrom the mission or church.4. The curriculum and regulations of the school should be inkeeping with those of the Ministry of Education.5. No religious teaching or ceremony should be required in the?school.6. Non-Christian children should be admitted into the school.7. No distinction should be made in the treatment of Christianand non-Christian children.The last two rules are unnecessary as most of ourschools for boys and girls have non-Christian children inthem, who receive the same training and treatment as dothe Christian children. Many of our Christian schools arealready complying as far as possible with the requirementsoutlined in Rule No. 4. But Rules No. 1, 2, 3 and 5 areregarded as hardly fair and reasonable. We do not wishto say any harsh things about these restrictions. They areprobably not drawn up with any motive antagonistic to theChristian Church, but we do feel that the Ministry has beenover-cautious in making these regulations. The ChristianChurch is China s best friend and it seeks for nothing but-China s real good. Secular education develops one part ofman s mental and moral faculties, the Christian school aimsat the development of a complete manhood and womanhood,by cultivating all the latent forces that are in man, physical,intellectual, moral and spiritual. Such a complete manhoodand womanhood is what China and the world as well reallyneeds.X. Professor Tongs Six Hundred Character BookWe believe the Rev. Prof. Tong Tsing-cn (ilrj!;^),Acting-President of the Shanghai Baptist College, has foundthe real solution of the problem of popular education inthis country. His six hundred character method is provingitself of immediate and practical value. Some two hundred

THE CHURCH IN CHINESE CHRISTIAN PERIODICALS 349not a few Christian writers. These rules if carried outwould place the mission or church schools in a ratherdifficult position. They are as follows :1. No name of mission or church should be attached to thename of the school.2. The school ground should be separated from that of themission or church.3. The support of the school should not be considered as comingfrom the mission or church.4. The curriculum and regulations of the school should be inkeeping with those of the Ministry of Education.5. No religious teaching or ceremony should be required in the?school.6. Non-Christian children should be admitted into the school.7. No distinction should be made in the treatment of Christianand non-Christian children.The last two rules are unnecessary as most of ourschools for boys and girls have non-Christian children inthem, who receive the same training and treatment as dothe Christian children. Many of our Christian schools arealready complying as far as possible with the requirementsoutlined in Rule No. 4. But Rules No. 1, 2, 3 and 5 areregarded as hardly fair and reasonable. We do not wishto say any harsh things about these restrictions. They areprobably not drawn up with any motive antagonistic to theChristian Church, but we do feel that the Ministry has beenover-cautious in making these regulations. The ChristianChurch is China s best friend and it seeks for nothing but-China s real good. Secular education develops one part ofman s mental and moral faculties, the Christian school aimsat the development of a complete manhood and womanhood,by cultivating all the latent forces that are in man, physical,intellectual, moral and spiritual. Such a complete manhoodand womanhood is what China and the world as well reallyneeds.X. Professor Tongs Six Hundred Character BookWe believe the Rev. Prof. Tong Tsing-cn (ilrj!;^),Acting-President of the Shanghai Baptist College, has foundthe real solution of the problem of popular education inthis country. His six hundred character method is provingitself of immediate and practical value. Some two hundred

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