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ft" 4P>yl>yR.P>yEducational1churchesTHE CJ.1U1JC11 IN CHINESE CHRISTIAN PERIODICALS 347It ft How to Pray. Dlpi .0.18II. A. Torroy. Translated by C. K. Chen (Mandarin)H ^ f # $ & How to Pray, ~>l)pp().().",A.1Torrey. Translated by Joshua Yak (Mandarin}Q tfc *$ 5: School Trayrrs. P. M. P. 0.2")ISnppAssociation. ( ]\ ei>/l~)^ iUff& 55 Public Prayers. P. M. P. U.(M7<>ppBy P. Kran/ (Mah lai ht)VI.The Church MiiftantIiiCanton, Shansi, Kiaugsu, Shantung andotlicrLiffuencefplaces tluwere somewhatdisturbed by the entering into their field oithe Seventh Day Adventist Mission, the Church of GodMission, the Faith Mission, the Tongues Movement, theInternational Bible Study Association and others. A gooddeal of hostile feeling has been roused up chiefly for tworeasons. First, the teaching that these missions hold andpreach, and second, the proselyting among Christians ofother churches. Certain mission conferences and federationcouncils have declared their open opposition to these movements, but there are many others who hold the view thatChristianity is wide and charitable, and that this is not thetime for internal strife, while the non-Christian world isready for the gospel and the Word of Life.6on CrnnUAt the Fourth Annual Meeting of theCll !na Continuation Committee held in Shanghai in May this year, a Special Committee onComity was appointed with a view to study the relationshipsof different missions and churches, and thus to cultivate amore friendly and more brotherly relation between them. Itis hoped that through the activity of this Committee, causesof dispute among the various bodies of the Christianmovement in China will be removed.VII.Our Co-religionistsIt is difficult to define the general attitudeMohammedans of the other religi(msbo<jies tha t are workingin China toward the Christian Church. Afew individual cases may be of some small interest to our

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