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""THE CHURCH IN CHINESE CHRISTIAN PERIODICALS-i-45life and character of Christ, and on the Bible, and a fewother books are proving very serviceable as text-books for useinBible classes.V. PrayerBible study and prayer are twin sisters. They are tintwowings by which the child of God rises above the earthlyplane and reaches the "heavenly places in Christ Jesus."Yet since it is by nature such a personal and secret thing,prayer is a difficult subject to record in black and white.A spirit of prayfulness has assuredly beenGrowing Spirit f tl grea tes t blessings Cod has bestowedof Prayerfulnessupon the Chinese Church during the pastmonths. During the time of national distress, when Chinawas under the iron hand of her stronger neighbour, andwhen the twenty-one demands were pressed upon her, thechildren of God sought for the nation s salvation by praying to the Lord of Lords for help and deliverance. InShanghai, Chinldang and many other places special meetings for united prayer on behalf of the nation were held andprayers for peace offered by all to the Prince of Peace.The publication in Chinese as well as inEu g!ish of the brief articles on the Promotion of Intercession by the Chairman of theSpecial Committee on the Promotion of Intercession of theChina Continuation Committee, Miss Ruth Paxson, has beena great blessing to both the Chinese Christians and theforeign missionaries alike. Several thousand copies of onebrief article were printed and distributed, and hundreds ofreplies received to the appeal there expressed. The ninesearching questions have proved to be a real help to many,and we hope to be excused for recording them here again.They are as follows :sin V1. Has my prayer life been pntccrlexx because of some besetting2. Has my prayer life been hindered by haste, irregularity, lackof definiteness, lack of system, insufficient preparation, unbelief, lackof communion with (TOO! through study of His Word?o. J I as my prayer life been fruitless ? Have I really had suchpower with God that I have had power with people? Have I haddefinite answers to prayer week by week ?A 43

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